Antônio Nelso Tasca case, considered one of the most important cases in
the Brazilian series, occurred on the night of December 14, 1983. The
protagonist, Antônio Nelso Tasca, was a realtor and tried to sell land
and farms, located in Bahia, to those interested in Chapecó (SC).
night, Tasca would visit Mr. Pedro Cela, who lived on the banks of an
unseed road, which connected to br282, 10 km from the city of Chapecó
(SC). As Mr. Cela was not at home, Tasca decided to return home, in his
Brasilia, plate 3399, from the city of Barreiros, Bahia.
8 p.m., when he was in the vicinity of the Coca-Cola factory, about 6
kilometers from Chapecó, Tasca left the asphalt and entered a dirt road,
to the right of the highway, which gives access to Mr. Tozzo's Farm. He
drove for about 5 minutes, stopping then. On this road, Tasca came
across a greenish object, approximately 10 meters long by 3 meters high,
landed just in front of him. Tasca stopped the car 30 meters from the
object that, at first, thought to be a bus, due to the layout of the
windows. Curious, Tasca turned off the headlights and engine of the car
and approached the "bus". The object had approximately 10 windows, with a
height of 70 cm by 40 cm wide (approx.), being narrower at the ends of
the vehicle that floated just above the ground.
Tasca was 10 meters from the object, he felt an intense heat wave.
Apprehensive, he cautiously walked away from the object, still facing
the device and with his back to his automobile. When he touched the
doorknob of the car, a light beam emitted by the object appeared. It was
like a strip of bright light, yellow in color, like a glossy carpet,
approximately 1 meter wide, which stretched rapidly under neath the
object, toward the protagonist of the case. The light carpet passed
beneath his feet, suddenly changing direction. Before the light came
from the object towards the light. Now the beam of light was moving
towards the object, this time pulling Tasca, without it having time to
react, or even unbalance. With the sudden approach, Tasca realized that
the actual color of the object was gray, rather than green. Soon after,
he lost his senses.
awakening, Tasca realized that he was in another environment, colder
and in total darkness. He could not move his arms, which seemed glued to
his body, and his legs were apparently glued to each other. With the
vivid memory of the ufological episode, Tasca thought he had suffered
apparent death, having returned from the period of lethargy already
inside a tomb. His breathing was getting panting, at the same time as
the environment became even colder, to the point that his body became
insensitive. Feeling intense shortness of breath, he couldn't scream for
help. In this cruel agony, Tasca wept, silently. At this point, the
temperature increased, and the air returned to flow in the environment,
and the sensitivity of his body returned to normal. Shortly after, the
abductee heard muffled footsteps, apparently from three or four people,
approaching to his right. One of them positioned himself on his left.
Then, these entities did some kind of analysis on the top of Tasca's
legs, through successive beats. During this initial stage, the unknowns
communicated in an unknown language, composed of grunts, now longer, or
shorter, ranging from timbre, to higher or lower.
object's crew members then examine the part of the knees and lower
legs. After that, they lifted Tasca off the ground and took him to
another compartment, where they put him on the ground, then moved away.
After that, the light came on and with that, Tasca could see that he was
completely naked. This environment was 2.5 m or 3 m wide by 3 high,
with rounded corners. There were no visible doors or windows in the
environment. On his right were his clothes and shoes, on a mound. Tasca
managed to get up, and began to grope the walls, which were polished,
polished aluminum color.
a door was opened, through which a girl entered, approximately 1.20 m
(Tasca was 1.74 m), with light hair, falling to her shoulder. His face
had clear and thin skin, blue, almond-shaped eyes, which differed from
an ordinary human eye, for they were further away from each other, and
reached the lateral part of the face, where they ended up like comatoses
lying with their outer angle in an exotic way, arching upwards. This
young woman reached out to the abductee, in a friendly gesture of
apparent greeting. In this initial contact, Tasca heard and felt a
melody, which brought him deep peace, joy, longing and sensations
related to colors.
thought to ask the crew man who he was and where he came from. Before
you formulated your question orally, the answer arose in your mind:
"-- I'm Cabalá. Messenger of the World of Agali. I come on a mission of peace and love!"
Then Tasca asked, in the same way:
"-- Where are we?"
Again the answer arose in his mind, before he asked the question orally:
"-- We're in the ocean, a hundred and eighty meters below sea level."
felt, at that moment, intense seed and mental confusion. He thought
about asking for water and commenting on his mental confusion:
I'm very sure and I'm very confused. You convey peace and love, but
also confusion that I cannot master. I think it's your beauty that's the
Immediately the answer came to his mind:
"-- You will drink right now and your seed will pass, as well as your state of confusion."
realized that on the wall there was an object, about 1 meter long, by
15 cm high and 4 or 5 cm deep, with 10 reddish buttons. Cabalá pressed
one of these buttons and opened a drawer that contained two tube-shaped
containers, with dimensions of 10 by 6 and by 3 cm. The girl pulled the
latch of one of them, opening it. He then offered Tasca that he drank an
odorless, colorless liquid. Tasca described it as being lighter than
water. Then Cabalá offered the second container to Tasca. This time, the
taste was similar to that of white blackcolors, something slightly
acidic. After that, Tasca handed the container to the Cabalá that he put
back into the appliance. Cabalá concluded:
Now you won't feel any seed or confusion before me. It is time to carry
out a mission of great importance, for which we have been chosen. Stay
Tasca asked:
"--After that will I be returned to my world?"
"--Yes, but there's a right time for this. Otherwise, you will be placed in a place far away from here (where you live)".
explained to Tasca that he had been chosen to convey message to his
co-citizens from all over the globe. He asked the reason for this,
because he had nothing special, he was neither rich nor influential.
Faced with this Cabalá said that he "always believed in extraterrestrial
existence and had already desired such an encounter".
began to feel a deep sense of desire for the crew. Cabalá approached
Tasca almost at the same time that a kind of divan emerged from the wall
of this room. This object measured approximately 1.30 m in length, by 1
meter wide. There were no backrests or arms or support legs. There was
only one end fixed to the wall, as if it were a casting.
walked away, lifted up her dress and lay on the divan, looking at
Tasca. Then both had a brief, normal sexual intercourse. At the end of
the process, Cabalá spoke for the first time, without the use of
telepathic medium. She pronounced the word love, with a slight accent:
"Aor." Then she drew a slight smile, but still with a look of sadness.
When smiling, Tasca noticed delicate white teeth, like those of a child.
thereafter, already recomposed, Cabalá stands in front of Tasca and
informs him that he would be a spokesman, transmitting a message to the
people of Earth. Surprised, Tasca claimed that his memory was weak and
that he would not be fit for the mission:
"-- Ma'am, as I leave here my mind will fail and I will remember only a few excerpts of the !...."
with this, Cabalá pressed another button on that instrument attached to
the wall and opened a larger division, from which she took a diadem,
which she then placed on Tasca's head, saying:
"-- With this in your head, you hear me twice telling you the message and it will never come out of your memory again."

Cabalá adjusted the diadem and conveyed the message:
"Warning from messenger Cabalá, from the world of Agali, to all the peoples of the earth:'
weapons of war must be immediately deactivated, capable of ending any
kind of life here. In addition to all its terrifying and deadly
devastation, a total nuclear war will put the earth off its heavenly
route and cause serious disturbances to the lives of neighboring worlds,
some in dimensions that earthly man still knows.
political, economic and financial dominations of nations over nations
must be abolished. Imperialism is contrary to the right of equality of
peoples and constitutes a new and solerte modality of enslavement.
essence of human life and its natural reproductive functions must be
preserved. In stars close to and in others unattainable to the present
man. life arising breath of the Eternal-Spirit-Creator-of-All-Things-God,
which is why it should not be the object of imponderable experiences,
because these will end in irreversible genetic disaster.
is necessary that, within the strictest criterion of justice and
morals, with a view to solving the social problems resulting from
disordered human prolification, organs that, by natural scientific
means, plan and implement programs of population control and biological
improvements of man are instituted.
must conquer other worlds of the universe and find suitable places
there for his future emigrations and new sources of energy and
subsistence, but rather he must conquer his own world, uncover the
enigmas that still exist on earth, at sea and in the air; preserving the
natural elements of vital importance, defending it from the subtle
piracy of the outside and healing the human imperfections of the body,
mind and spirit.
is necessary that, after these exhortations, humanity should be
prepared for the period of extraordinary events of which the earth will
be the stage in a short time. The great events will be foreshadowed by
strange telluric manifestations and heavenly signs of magnificent
splendor and unsettling beauty. Masters of wisdom will come back to
earth, renew wonderful teachings, and help establish a new political
society. Earthly paradise will be reborn, full of light and love.
through means and energies now not even supposed, man will know the
concave-convex dimensional of the earth, travel to the depths of the
universe and not feel the tiresome of time. And as a sublime achievement
of human creative capacity, the machine of absolute power will be put
into action, a device that, among many other prodigies, will give
humanity the happiest and most amazing vision of its entire history: the
resurrection of the dead in the 4 ̈́Axis.'
Warnings from the messenger Cabalá, from the World of Agalí,
to all the peoples of the earth."
transmitting the message, Cabalá removed the diadem from the
protagonist's head and stored it back on the console, which closed
immediately. Then Cabalá faced Tasca, repeating the same greeting issued
at the initial moment of the conversation, then crossing his left arm
over his chest and raising his right hand over his shoulder. Tasca
received the message "peace and love". Then the crew member was
retreating on her back, slowly toward the entrance door that had opened
up on the wall. After the passage of the girl, she closed hermetically,
leaving in Tasca a feeling of loneliness and abandonment.
the lighting in the room decreased, leaving a full darkness in place.
Then he heard footsteps and again felt the presence of small creatures
around him who, pulling him into another room, indicated that he would
lie down. Tasca recognized this place as being the same icy and scary
place he was at the beginning of his experience. The temperature
gradually dropped until the moment Tasca lost his senses.
awakening, Tasca found himself lying on a capinzal, on a rocky hill, on
the banks of the BR-282, 3 km to the right of the access clover of the
city of Chapecó. From the position of the Sun, Tasca estimated it to be
approximately 6 a.m., although his wristwatch indicated 10:15 a.m. His
arms and legs were "hindered", although he heard and saw perfectly. It
took about two hours for him to recover his movements. As soon as
possible, Tasca went down the road and walked, for approximately 2 km,
until reaching Eletrodíesel Batistela, being attended by two young
women. Ali Tasca called home and warned her family. He was then informed
of the great upheaver and agony that befell his family, the abandoned
car that had been found on the dirt road and the mobilization of a
police investigator for his disappearance. Then he quickly went home,
being found by his son, Maximilian, who arrived in town at that time.
realized that his father was apparently in shock, unable to explain
what had happened. He later told details of the experience to his family
members, leaving them incredulous and concerned about his condition.
They took the abductee for tests at The Santo Antônio Hospital in
Chapecó, where he was treated by Dr. Julio Zawadscki. Tasca didn't tell
this doctor his extraordinary experience. The doctor concluded that
nervousness, unease and elevation of blood pressure, to a simple
assault. He gave a tranquilizer and discharged the patient. Later that
same day, when Tasca took off his shirt, two family members noticed a
strange mark on the abductee's back. Tasca was unaware of the existence
of this mark, or even could even explain its origin. Again Tasca was
examined by the doctor who diagnosed burn, but due to its
characteristics remained puzzled. The next day he returned to the
residence of Tasca, this time accompanied by four other professionals to
document the injury. At the time, the doctor discovered in the chest of
the control, in the front, in the lower extremity of the external bone,
in the xifoid region, in the skin, circle of 3 cm in diameter,
consisting of small red dots. The same region in which Tasca felt pain,
and which was medicated by the doctor. The next day, such dots had
completely disappeared.
the following days, Tasca did not feel very hungry and ate very little.
At 2:15 a.m. on the third day, Tasca vomited a yellow liquid, feeling
the same taste of white blackouts in her mouth. After that, his appetite
returned to normal.
Night of agony for family members
Antônio Nelso Tasca suffered his experience of abduction, his family
lived the anguish of his disappearance. He was expected at 7:00 p.m. for
family dinner, but his delay aroused concern among all family members.
Around midnight, all the family members were gathered in the room,
awaiting the arrival of Tasca. Being homely, and attached to the family,
it caused strangeness that he did not call to warn of his delay.
Tasca's parents, his wife and daughter tried in vain to obtain
information by phone at police stations in Chapecó and nearby towns.
2:30 a.m. tasca's brothers-in-law, several and several streets of
Chapecó, in search of the abductee's car, traveled in vain. Other family
members, alerted to the disappearance, rushed to Tasca's house. After a
night in the clear, several family members went to the road access to
the road block of br-282, where there was a police station. Before
arriving at their destination, they spotted Tasca's car, parked on the
dirt road, which gives access to Mr. Tozzo's Farm. The car was intact,
closed, with no sign of abnormality. They immediately told the police
station that they deployed an investigator to monitor the incident.
Around 9:30 in the morning, the agony finally ends. Antônio Nelso Tasca
calls home, warning him that he was well and was going home.