another book on the same theme -
"A Wanderer in the
Spirit Lands"

By Franchezzo
from 1896

“Nosso Lar”


The story of a doctor’s odyssey in the Spirit World.

audiobook on this in mp3 and also in amr.voice




Extracts from the book
of the Brasilian wellknown medium Francisco Candido Xavier
- same medium as the source of this book right and the film

some similar book here

Peter Richelieu; A Souls Journey - on Afterlife and astral-trips at night we do not remember


By the Spirit  of André Luiz

Through medium Francisco Cândido Xavier - almost 70years ago

Ist Electronic Edition by GEAE

Translated from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled “Nosso Lar” . First Portuguese edition published in 1944 by FEDERAÇÃO ESPÍRITA BRASILEIRA. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.



Revision and editing by Lauren Speeth Luczynski

1st Electronic Edition by Antônio Leite (New York, NY, USA) and GEAE (Advanced Study Group of Spiritism)  



Chapter 47                 LAURA’S RETURN

My mother was not the only one preparing to return to the physical sphere. Laura also found herself confronted with this commitment. I learned that many workers in the colony, especially those in the Ministries of Assistance and Regeneration, were planning a farewell party, which was to be held on the evening when the Accounting Department presented her with her complete service card.

It is impossible to express in ordinary words the spiritual significance of that little party. The family’s charming residence wall music and light. Even the flowers seemed more beautiful. Many families had come to salute their friend who was about to depart. Most of the visitors left shortly after presenting their farewell wishes. Laura’s more intimate friends, however, remained until late that night. Thus I had the opportunity to hear many wise and curious observations.

Laura seemed circumspect and grave. I saw that she was making a great effort to join in the general optimism. In the crowded living room she talked with the Accounting Department representative:

“I don’t believe I’ll be staying form more than two days. I have finished my conditioning at the Preparation Service and at the Ministry of Elucidation.”

With a wistful look, she resumed:

“As you see, I am ready.”

The official, in a fraternal tone, spoke encouragingly: wonderful to return to the physical world in your circunstances. In a community of over a million people, you have thousands and thousands of hours of useful service in your favor. Besides, the children you are leaving here will continue to be your greatest incentive.”

“All that is indeed most comforting.” She answered, unable to hide her deep concern. “Yet we mustn’t forget that a reincarnation is always  an undertaking of the utmost importance. I know that my husband has preceded me and my beloved children will be my constant friends, yet...”

“Come now, don’t get caught up in conjecture!” Minister Genesius interrupted, “We must put up our trust in Divine Protection and in ourselves. Providence resources are unlimited. We must break the dark glasses through which we see the physical plane as a bitter exile. Don’t think of possibilities of weakness; visualize only the probability of success. Besides, it’s only fair for you to count on us, your friends, a little. As far as ‘vibratory distance’ is concerned, we won’t be far away. Think of the joy of helping old friends and of the sublime glory of being useful.”


Laura smiled, and apparently more cheerful, remarked:

“I have enlisted the spiritual assistance of all my companions, so that I may remain mindful of the lessons I have learned here. I realized that the Earth is full of divine beauty. It’s enough to remember that our Sun here is the same one which shines on incarnate people. But, my dear Minister, I fear the temporary oblivion that involves us like a dark matter. Although they no longer hurt, the scars remain – the slightest scratch would be enough to make them bleed again.”

The Minister nodded understandingly and resumed:

“I am not ignoring what the shadows of the lower sphere represent, but we must gather our courage and go on resolutely. We’ll help you to work hard for the good of others rather than for self satisfaction. Remember that the greatest obstacle, now and always, is being caught up in the insidious temptations of selfishness.”

“Here, “ Laura continued wisely, “we can count on the spiritual vibration of most of the colony’s inhabitants, who live according to the teaching of the Redeeming Gospel. Even though our weakness may creep up to the surface, we find our defence in the very atmosphere that surround us. On Earth, however, our good resolutions are like a flickering flame in a immense see of aggressive forces. “


“Don’t say that.” Answered the generous Minister. “You mustn’t attach so much importance to the influence of the lower zones – it would be the same as arming the enemy against ourselves. The field of ideas is also a battlefield. Any really constructive light we may kindle on Earth will shine forever, for the hurricane of human passions can never blow out a single one of God’s lights.”

Our hostess seemed deeply impressed by the Minister’s words. She radically changed her mental attitude and spoke cheerfully:

“I am sure that your visit was providential. I need your exhortation to help me summon up all my energies. You are right, our mental zone is a constant battlefield. We must chase evil and darkness out of ourselves, dislodging them and not letting them assume the importance they always claim. Yes, I see it clearly now.”

With a pleased smile, Genesius added:

“Remember that, within our own individual world, each idea works as if it were a separate entity. When we nourish the elements of good, we work for our own happiness, because they will develop into our defense. On the other hand, when we cultivate any element of evil, we work to construct a secure base for our enemies.”

As the Minister stopped speaking, the Accounting Department official remarked:

“We must remember that Laura is returning to the Earth endowed with extraordinary spiritual credit. This very morning the Governor’s secretary sent a note to the Ministry of Assistance recommending that the reincarnation experts should take the utmost care in dealing with the genetic background selected to shape our sister’s new body.”

“Oh yes,” she said, “I asked for it so that I might not be too much affected by the laws of heredity. I have been rather concerned about the blood.”

“And notice, “ continued the official, “that your merit here is great indeed. The Governor himself saw to the measures to be taken in your case.”

“So don’t worry, my dear friend, “Genesius exclaimed with a smile. “You’ll be assisted by numerous friends and companions, all working for your welfare.”

“Thank God.” Laura exclaimed, comforted, “Your words have done me so much good. Now I know I needed to hear you.”

Lysias and his sisters, now including the kind and generous Thereza, showed their sincere joy at their mother’s change in attitude.

“My mother needs to forget her preoccupations.” Remarked the devoted medical attendant. “After all, we aren’t going to stay here doing nothing.”

“You are right. “ She agreed. “I’ll cherish hope, and will trust in the Lord and in all of you.”

For the rest of the evening, the conversation generated confidence and optimism, and the return to Earth was discussed as a blessed opportunity to redeem old debts and learn new lessons. As I took my leave late in the evening, Laura said:

“I hope to see you again tomorrow evening, André. We are holding a little intimate gathering. The Ministry of Communication has promised us a visit from my husband. Although he is already bound by physical ties, he’ll be brought here with the aid of some good friends. Furthermore, I’ll be saying goodbye to you all. Please be sure to come.“

I thanked her with emotion, and tried hard to keep back the premature tears at the departure of my kind friend.  


Chapter 48            THE HOME PRAYER MEETING

A Spiritist would not be surprised at what I saw in Lysias’ home, but to me it was a new and interesting experience. Over thirty people were gathered in he spacious living room. The arrangement of furniture was simple. Comfortable arm chair were placed in rows of twelve in front of a platform, where Minister Clarence, who presided over the ceremony, and Laura and her children all sat. About twelve feet away stood a large crystal globe approximately six feet tall. Its lower part was wrapped in wires connecting it to a small apparatus, identical to our loudspeakers.

Many questions whirled through my mind as I looked around that big room. The visitors had already taken their seats, but I could still hear friendly conversation going on in the different groups. I was sitting besides Nicholas, an old worker at Assistance, so I thought I might ask him for some information. He willingly complied:

“We are now ready, just waiting for the order from Communication. Our brother Richard is still in his physical childhood, so it won’t be difficult for him to leave his material form for a short time.”

“Will he come here?” I inquired.

“Why not?“ He answered. “Not all incarnate men are chained to the Earth. Like homing pigeons which often spend their time flying back and forth between places, there are some incarnate spirits who actually live between two worlds.” “That, “ he added, pointing to the equipment, “is the cabinet which will show him to us.”

“But, why inside the crystal globe? Couldn’t he present himself outside it? “I asked curiously

“We must remember” continue Nicholas, “that our emotions can transmit disturbing vibrations. The crystal cabinet is made of insulating material and will protect Richard from our mental energies.”

Just then, Lysias answered a phone call from Communication. It was time for the meeting to begin. It was forty minutes past midnight. In answer to my questioning look, Nicholas whispered:

“Only now is there enough quiet in Richard’s new earthly home. The whole house must be in silence and his parents asleep. At this early stage of his life, his spirit is still fairly free, not totally confined to the cradle.”

Nicholas couldn’t continue. Clarence rose and asked for perfect unity of thought and a real fusion of feelings. In the silence that followed, Clarence offered a simple but moving prayer. Then Lysias played beautifully on the flute, filling the room with intense vibrations of peace and enchantment. When the last melodious strains died away, Clarence spoke again:

“Brothers, “ he said, “let us all send Richard our message of love.”

I saw Laura’s daughters and one granddaughter leave the platform and place themselves near the musical instruments. Lysias followed them. Judith, Yolanda and Lysias respectively approached the piano, harp and zither, while Theresa and Heloisa stood by them composing the family choir. I heard melodious sounds, soft in the beginning, which rose gradually to a rapturous and divine harmony. I felt myself carried to sublime spheres of exalted thought. In a few minutes, mellifluous voices joined in. It was Lysias and his sisters singing a marvelous song of their own composition. It is difficult for me to put those evocative verses, full of spirituality and beauty, into human words10 .

10 No less difficult was its translation, where we were only able to convey an approximation of the original Portuguese verse. (translator’s note)  


I shall try to reproduced them just to show how beautiful and sublime love is in the spheres of life beyond the shadows of death:  

Dear father, when the night at last...

Brings the blessings of sweet rest, Remember, kindly father well How much we love and care. While the stars are twinkling The melody they softly sing, Bring your heart with us awhile. Come to join us in our prayer.

Let no trials cause you stress In your brief forgetfulness, Not let suffering bring you sorrow. Stay away from evil’s pain. Fear no earthly agony. Think of our alliance, and you’ll be Strong in the knowledge that tomorrow Will bring joy’s eternal reign.

While you are sleeping in the world, In our memories now unfurl Heavenly dawns without compare Here in this life above. Look to the future happily, Wait for us; one day we’ll be Together once again to share The joys of the garden of your love.

Come to us, o father dear, To the beauty of our sphere. Come again to this, our nest, Even though you come in dreams,

For a while forget the flesh. Come to drink our water fresh, Full of hope and tenderness, From this Astral City’s streams. Our home has not forgotten you, Your sacrifices, your kindness too, And the clarity sublime Of your lessons on The Way. Come across the shadows great, Free yourself from matter’s weight, Over the mountain you will climb. Come and join us as we pray. 

As they reached the last words of the song, I noticed that a greyish, milky substance was filling the globe before us. Soon there stood the handsome figure of a middle aged man. It was Richard. It is difficult for me to describe the sacred emotions of the family as they greeted him.

The visitor first addressed himself to his wife and children for a while. Then, casting a friendly look toward us, he requested that we sing the same lovely song once more for him. As he listened to it was moved to tears. He then turned to us and said:

“Oh, my children, how great Jesus’ mercy is, for He has crowned our home circle with tonight’s supreme joys! In this very room we have together endeavored to find the way to the higher spheres. We have often received the spiritual bread of life here, and now we have gathered here again to receive this sacred incentive. How happy I am !”

Laura wept discreetly; Lysias’s and his sisters’ eyes brimmed with tears. I noticed that the visitor could not speak with ease and apparently had only a short time to stay with us. Probably all the people in the room had a similar impression, because Judith, putting her arms around the crystal globe, exclaimed in loving tones:

“Father dear, say what you want us to do; let us know how we can help your devoted heart.”

Richard looked lovingly at his wife and said in a low voice;

“Your mother will soon come and join me, my child. So will you all, in time. What else could I wish for to make me happy? Let’s ask the Master to bless us forever!”

We were all moved to tears. When the grayish substance began to form in the globe again, I heard Richard exclaim with emotion:

“Listen, my children. I have something to ask you from the bottom of my heart! Pray to the Lord that I may never, on Earth, have an easy life, so that the light of gratitude and comprehension may keep always bright in my spirit.”

The unexpected petition touched and surprised me at the same time. Richard said farewell to all while the grayish curtain gradually enveloped the whole globe. After a few minutes, the globe returned to its ordinary appearance. Minister Clarence closed the ceremony with a prayer, leaving us all with an indescribable feeling of happiness.

Our hostess stood on the platform, surrounded by her visitors, all anxious to present their congratulations and farewell wishes. As I approached the group to say goodbye to my kind friend and tell her of my deep impression and gratitude, someone touched me lightly on the shoulder. It was Clarence, who said affably:

“Listen, André. Tomorrow I will go with our sister Laura to the physical sphere. If you like, you may come with us to visit your family.”

I was taken back, but while my heart leaped with joy, I instantly remembered my work at the Chambers. The generous minister, sensing my thoughts, resumed:

“You have a fair number of extra service hours to your credit. Therefore Genesius will easily grant you a one week leave of absence after your first year of active collaboration.”

Overwhelmed with joy, I thanked him, weeping and laughing at the same time. At last, I was going to see my beloved wife and children again.   


Chapter 49          RETURNING HOME

Like a child led by his benefactors, I arrived in my hometown with the indescribable sensation of a traveler returning home after a long absence. The countryside hadn’t changed noticeably, the neighborhood’s old trees were still there, as were the sea and sky and that same indefinite scent. Full of excitement and joy, I no longer noticed Laura’s anxious and preoccupied expression. I took my leave of the small caravan which went on ahead. Clarence embraced me and said:

“You have a whole week at your disposal. I’ll come to see you daily, since I have to return regularly to take care of some problems regarding Laura’s reincarnation. If you wish to return to the Astral City, you can do so in my company. Be well, André.”

After a last goodbye to Lysias’s devoted mother, I found myself alone, inhaling deeply the air of times past. I didn’t waste time examining my surroundings, but quickly made my way through the streets towards my home. My heart beating fast, I approached the large entrance gate. As in the past, the wind whispered softly through the small park. Azaleas and roses bloomed there, greeting the spring. Opposite the front door gracefully rose the palm tree with Zelia and I had planted on our first wedding anniversary.

Intoxicated with joy, I entered the house. I noticed that it was greatly changed. Where was the old “jacaranda”11 wood furniture? And the large picture of our family, where Zelia, myself and the children had formed such a gracious group? What had happed? Afflicted and anxious, I began to stagger with emotion. I went into the living room, where I saw my youngest daughter, now quite a young lady. Almost at the same moment, Zelia came out of our bedroom with a gentleman who, at first sight, appeared to be a doctor.

11 High quality Brazilian wood. (Transl. Note)  


I shouted my joy with the full strength of my lungs, but the words echoed through the house unheeded. Suddenly I understood the situation and, disappointed, fell silent. I held Zelia in my arms with all the tenderness I had held for so long, but she seemed absolutely insensitive to my caresses. Looking extremely anxious, she asked the gentleman something I could not quite catch. Lowering his voice, he answered:

“I won’t be able to make sure diagnosis until tomorrow. The pneumonia is presenting serious complications, owing to his high blood pressure. Dr. Ernest will need the utmost care and absolute rest.”

Who could Dr. Ernest be? I was lost in a see of questions, until I heard my wife plead in anguished tones:

“Oh, Doctor! For the Lord’s sake, save him! I couldn’t bear a second widowhood!”

Zelia wept and wrung her hands showing acute nervous distress. A thunderbolt couldn’t have struck me with greater violence. Another man had taken possessions of my home, and my wife had forgotten me! The house was no longer mine. Had it been worthwhile to wait so long to be met with such disillusionment? I ran to my room only to find the spacious chamber completely changed. On the bed lay a middle-aged man, clearly in a poor state of health. Three dark entities walked to and fro beside him, doing their utmost to aggravate his sufferings.

My first instinct was to despise the intruder with all my strength, but I was no longer the same man. The Lord had summoned me to the practice of his doctrine of brotherly love and forgiveness. Although I knew he was surrounded by inferior entities, devoted to evil, I wasn’t able to help him immediately.

I sat down, bewildered and disappointed, watching Zelia walk in and out of the room several times and caress the patient with the loving tenderness that had been all mine. After a few hours of bitter observation and meditation, I returned to the living room, where my two daughters sat talking. New surprises followed. The elder had married and carried a little baby in her arms. But, what about my son? Where could he be?

After giving the necessary instructions to an old nurse, Zelia, apparently calmer, joined the girls:

“I came to see you today, mother”, said my eldest child, “not only to pay Dr. Ernest a little visit, but also because, all morning, the thought of father hasn’t left my mind, and my heart seems to feel his presence. It’s a feeling I can’t define...”

She couldn’t finish, and her eyes filled with tears. To my great surprise, Zelia answered her with sharp authority:

“Nonsense! This is the last straw. Worried as I am, I still have to put up with your silly attitudes. You must control that old-fashioned sentimentality, my child. I have strictly forbidden any mention to your father in this house. Don’t you know how it annoys Ernest? I sold everything that reminded me of the dead past, even had the wall redecorated. Can’t you help me with my efforts?”

“Since my sister became involved with this darned Spiritism, “ the younger girl added, “she has kept her head full of nonsense. Such foolishness! The idea of the dead coming back is the height of absurdity.”

I am not expressing religious convictions.” She answered, still crying, “Is it a crime to remember and miss our father? Don’t you have any love in your hearts? Have you no feelings? If father were here, mother, his only son wouldn’t be out acting so crazily.”

“Nonsense.” Zelia retorted irritably. “Each of us must follow the fate assigned by God. André is dead. Remember that and please stop lamenting the irremediable past.”

I approached my weeping child and dried her tears, murmuring words of comfort and encouragement, which she registered subjectively as consoling thoughts. Well now. Here was I in quite an unexpected situation. I finally understood why my friends had for so long delayed my visit to my earthly home.

Sorrows and disappointments followed in rapid succession. I felt as if my home had been transformed by burglars and ruined by voracious worms. Belongings, positions, affection, nothing was left but the faithful heart of one daughter. All the long years of suffering and torment in the dark regions beyond the tomb, even the bewildering agony of the first days after death, had not made me shed such heart-breaking tears. The night came and went, and a new day dawned, finding me in the same perplexing condition, hearing words and witnessing attitudes I could never had imagined. In the evening Clarence came to see me as he had promised. Seeing how desperate I was, he tried to comfort me with friendly and wise words:

“I understand your sorrow, but I can’t help rejoicing at this splendid opportunity. I have no new instructions for you, as any advice now would be inopportune. However, my dear friend, I can’t forget the recommendations of Jesus to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. This, when followed, works real miracles of happiness and understanding in our lives.“

I thanked him with emotion, and asked for his continued support. Clarence smiled and left. Then, facing bitter reality, absolutely alone in this hour of trial, I began to meditate on the meaning of the Gospel’s command. Gradually my thoughts became calmer. After all, why condemn Zelia’s actions? Had I been the spouse left alone on Earth, would I, perhaps, have borne the prolonged solitude? Wouldn’t I have found a thousand excuses to

justify a second marriage? And why hate the poor, sick man? Wasn’t he also my brother, in the House of Our Lord? Our home might be in even worse conditions if Zelia hadn’t accepted his support.

It was necessary for me to fight and conquer my ruthless selfishness. Jesus had led me to new sources of enlightenment, and I could no longer act as a simple man on Earth. My family no longer consisted of only a wife and three children, but was made up of hundreds of patients in the Chamber of Rectification. It expanded to include the whole universal community. As I gave myself up to this new trend of thoughts, I felt that true love was beginning to flow from the blessed wounds which had been inflicted on my heart.   


Chapter 50            A CITIZEN OF THE ASTRAL CITY

I felt terribly tired the second night. I was beginning to realize the value of spiritual nourishment through mutual love and understanding. In the Astral City I could go for several days of active work without ordinary food. The presence of our dear friends, their affection, the absorption of pure elements through the air and water had been enough to refresh me. Here, however, in my earthly home, there was nothing except a battlefield where my loved ones had ceased to be my friends.

I thought about Clarence’s inspiring words, and they brought some peace and comfort to my heart. For the first time I began to understand human needs. I was not Zelia’s keeper, but her brother and friend. Likewise, I was not my children’s master, but their companion along the road to spiritual enlightenment.

I recalled Laura telling me that we should all act like the bees, approaching the flowers of life, the memories of the noble souls we have met along the path, and extracting from each the substance of good examples, to acquire the honey of wisdom.

I decided to take her advice and began by remembering my mother, who had sacrificed herself to return to the Earth and adopt those unhappy women as beloved daughters. Similar edifying examples abound in the Astral City. Minister Veneranda had been working for centuries for the benefits of the spiritual group closely related to her. Narcisa was serving in the Chambers to obtain spiritual endorsement of a return to the physical world to help her loved ones. Hilda had overcome the dragon of inferior jealousy. And what about the countless gestures of fraternity I had received from my friends in the colony? Clarence had welcomed me with the devotion of a father, Lysias’ mother had received me as a son, and Tobias had made me his brother. Each of my new friends had offered me something useful to help me build up a new mental attitude.

I tried to distance myself from the apparent ingratitude I found in my old home. With divine love above all, I put the needs of my fellow man before my own personal sentiments. Though extremely tired, I entered the room of the sick man, whose condition worsened from moment to moment. Zelia was standing by the bed holding his head in her arms. In tears, she pleaded:

“Ernest, Ernest, have pity on me. Don’t leave me, my darling. What will become of me if you die?”

The sick man caressed her hands and managed to answer with intense affection, in spite of the strong dyspnea that affected him. I prayed to the Lord to grant me the strength necessary to be understandable, and to consider this couple as my brother and sister. I could see that Zelia and Ernest loved each other deeply, and if I truly wanted to be their brother, I must certainly do everything in my power to help them. I set to work. I began by trying to enlighten the ignorant entities who kept a close link with the patient. My difficulties were enormous, and I felt exhausted.

In this emergency, I remembered that Tobias had once told me that not all the inhabitants of the Astral City needed an airbus for transportation – those more evolved could use volitation as a more convenient means. They could also communicate over long distances mind-to-mind, using thought language. Those who are attuned use the process of mental communication at will, regardless of distance.

I remember how useful Narcisa’s help would be, and made up my mind to try. I concentrated, and in the vibrations of a fervent prayer to God I addressed Narcisa, asking for her help. I told her mentally of my painful experience and my great desire to help, and pleaded urgently with her not to abandon me.

Then the unexpected happened. After some twenty minutes, while I was still concentrated in my prayer, I felt a light touch on my shoulder. It was Narcisa, who had answered my call.

“I’ve heard your call, my friend,” she said, smiling, “and here I am.” I couldn’t have been more happy. The devoted nurse looked around and immediately understood the gravity of the circumstances;

“We don’t have time to waste.” She said. She immediately began applying strengthening passes to the patient, raising a barrier between him and the dark entities, who disappeared as if by magic. Then she turned to me and said firmly:

“We must resort to Nature.”


I followed her promptly. Sensing my curiosity, she explained:

“Man is not the only one to receive and emit fluids. All Nature does the same. In our patient’s case, we need the trees. They will be a great help to us.”

Wondering at this new lesson, I followed her in silence. After arriving at a place filled with enormous trees, Narcisa called out to someone with words I couldn’t understand. In a few moments eight spirit entities responded. To my great surprise, I saw Narcisa ask them whether there were mango and eucalyptus trees in the neighborhood. Having received the required information from her friends, who were unknown to me, Narcisa turned to me and explained:

“The brothers who have just come to our aid are ordinary workers in the vegetable kingdom.”

Said Narcisa. Seeing my wonder, she continued:

“You see, there is nothing useless in Our Father’s House. Wherever there are those needing instruction, there will also be those willing to teach. Whenever a difficulty arises, Providence comes in. The only unfortunate being in the Divine Creation is the improvident spirit who condemns himself to the abysses of evil.”

With the emanations of the eucalyptus and mango trees, Narcisa quickly manipulated a certain substance, which we applied to the patient through his ordinary breathing and by absorption through his skin. Ernest improved visibly. Early the next morning the doctor observed, extremely surprised: “What an extraordinary reaction! A real miracle of Nature!”

Zelia was happy, and the house was full of life again. As for myself, I felt great joy in my heart. Deep courage and beautiful hopes reinvigorated me. I recognized that, deep down within me, the strong chains of inferiority had been broken forever, and true brotherly love and a sincere wish to serve had taken their place.

That same day I followed Narcisa back to the Astral City. For the first time, I tried volitation. In a moment’s time we had covered great distances. The banner of happiness unfurled in my soul. I told the generous nurse about the lightness I was feeling, and she explained:

“In the Astral City, a great number of our friends could easily do without the airbus and go about on their own within the areas of our vibratory range, but as the majority have not yet acquired that faculty, we all abstain from using it in public places. This abstention, however, doesn’t impede us from using it outside of town, when it is necessary to cover long distances and save time.”

A higher comprehension and new joy enriched my spirit. Instructed by Narcisa, I went to and from between the earthly house and the spiritual city without any great difficulty. I was thus able to intensify the treatment of Ernest, who improved rapidly. Clarence visited me daily and showed himself satisfied with my work.

At the end of the week, my first leave of absence from the Chambers of Rectification had come to an end. Ernest’s health was restored and the couple, whom I now loved as my dear brother and sister, were happy again. It was time, now, to return to my duties. In the peaceful light of a gorgeous sunset, I left for the Astral City totally changed. In those seven short days I had learned precious practical lessons in understanding and brotherly love. The sublime beauty of the evening filled my mind with lofty thoughts.

How great is Divine Providence! I said to myself. How wisely the Almighty plans our work and life situations. How He attends to His Creation with such love!

All of a sudden something broke my meditation. Over two hundred of my companions were coming in my direction. They greeted me joyously, giving me a generous welcome. Lysias, Lascinia, Narcisa, Silveira, Tobias, Salustius and many other workers from the Chambers were there. Taken by surprise, I was at a loss and did not know what to do. It was then that Minister Clarence came forward, holding out his hand:

“André, until now you have been my pupil in this city. Today, in the name of the Governor, I declare you a citizen of the Astral City!”

Why such magnanimity when my triumph was so small? I couldn’t hold back the tears of emotion which choked my voice. Thinking about the wisdom of Divine Mercy, I threw myself into Clarence’s fatherly arms, crying out of gratitude and joy.

All honour to the creators of this - incl.those at GEAE who translated it to English and made it online.



This above is a low-res. version of the film- you better book the HD version ex from

homepage for the film is - more on the medium who took this book "down" from those higher levels

All honour to the creators of very important material in the  necessity of educating people before they leave this life-level!!

some similar book " How the destiny is twisted together" here