As the Pleiadians, the Sirians are part of the alien-cultures who assist Earth and all her inhabitants (Humans, Animals and Nature).
Sirians are spiritual warriors, and strong connected to life-forms of dolphins and whales. Lot of people feel familar with these life-forms, because they lived in those forms as well, and perceive those entities as loving friends.
Sirius stands also for a Transition Stage, where a state of consciousness is possible to experience for preparation for more ego-related life-forms, ie. the humanoid-form. Therefore, lot of people have remembrances, which are expressed by feelings to the star itself, without knowing exactly what the relation or meaning is.
Sirius--a double-star (or possibly triple-star) system in the constellation Canis Major (Orion's dog). Visible in the northern hemisphere evening sky from about November through April. Sirius-A is the brightest star in the sky besides our Sun,at only about 8 light-years away.