This is audio book of, found online as text, they Live in the Sky, By Trevor James Constable. copied from: Pertinent Excerpts From A Flying Saucer Classic Of The 1950s. It is unlikely that the truth about flying saucers will reach the public through governmental agencies. The reason for this is not to be found in any malicious desire to conceal the truth, but simply in the fact that neither the governments nor any individuals know the truth about U.F.O. Early in my own UFO studies I concluded that officialdom throughout the world hopelessly at sea over the whole UFO phenomenon, and that its evidential aspects were so completely beyond conventional science that an ordinary man like myself might have as good a chance of penetrating the mystery as anyone else. Flying saucers, the UFO, by observation both electronic and visual are 'fait accompli' and arguments as to whether they exist or not are idle, time wasting and an obstacle to further investigation. In this book we presume that the UFO are real and get down to the discussion of the queries 'Where do they come from?' 'What are they?' and 'What do they want?' And the less actively pursued question 'What is the nature of their reality?'. The point of departure for me with standard UFO writings came over the question of communication and these UFO and contact with the occupants of the craft, if indeed they were craft at all. The reason I believed that communication must be possible with the craft was that in rather extensive travels around the world I had noted that civilization in every country was directly proportional to communications development. The reason I had paid attention to communications development was that I was at the time of my journeyings a radio officer in the British Merchant Navy. In parts of the Orient and Middle East a telephone is still a very rare instrument. If you can find one at all, a call to a point a hundred miles away may take a day or two, or you might never get it. Telegraph communications are scanty, and radio almost non-existent. One reaches bottom where communication is concerned in those portions of Africa where the tree trunk drum or the human runner still serve as the means. In these locales material civilization is at its most retarded. This fact of communications as the index of civilization is not widely appreciated in the United States, where through habit, we speak, write, and project the human image over thousands of miles with a familiarity bound to breed contempt for it. Far from being happy with our communications, including radio and television in their exquisite refinements, manufacturers are driven to improve and expand their services by relentless competitive pressure for improved ability to communicate. The ability to communicate on a world-wide scale in a variety of media is available to every American, and in this country we have the highest material civilization known on this planet. THE TECHNICAL SUPERIORITY OF THE ALIENS. It is obvious from their observed speeds and maneuvers, their advanced propulsion systems as now acknowledged, their ability to appear and disappear that the UFO are undeniably products of a civilization immeasurably advanced beyond our own, technologically speaking. While we boast in our newspapers of airplanes capable of 1500 miles per hour, other craft, perhaps not of this world, have been electronically measured traveling six times this speed, and more, in our atmosphere. In my view, it is irrational to admit the existence of such advanced vehicles and then deny to their occupants the ability to communicate on a scale far beyond anything we now have. If communication is the handmaiden of technological progress, as is the case in our own earthly civilization, it is logical to assume that it will be true of other worlds and civilizations. They may look upon our radio as humorously primitive, and regard our best radar and electronic detection apparatus as infantile. We must also not forget that they may have developed natural communication methods to a high degree, since all that we have in the way of communications is nothing more than the externalization of the contents of our minds. The radio transmitter was conceived in the mind of man, then externalized, that is, fabricated. In a sense, the radio transmitter is nothing more than materialized thought. My own viewpoint at the time I began my investigations was that the probability was very great that these UFO beings would have communication methods as far beyond ours as those of modern America are beyond the tree trunk drum. I have found nothing subsequently to nullify this viewpoint, and overwhelming evidence that it is true. In the light of the above reasoning I found it absurd that so many otherwise able and intelligent men writing on the UFO could be so adamant in saying that there had been no communication with Saucer beings. On the one hand, as ufologists and saucer proselytizers, they recognize the presence in the atmosphere of the products of an advanced civilization, while on the other they virtually deny the controlling intelligences any ability in communication. The most unfortunate part of this viewpoint is that it was and is held today without investigation. Investigation reveals the theory to be false. For myself, I sought to "become as a little child", by sweeping out of my mind accumulations of dogma and prejudice. I began by placing myself in the position of UFO beings and wondered what my course of action would be if I wanted to contact humans on the surface of the earth. "NO ROOM AT THE INN". Could I, for example, go straight to the President of the United States? I felt that this would not be feasible, for the moment the president met with his advisers and told them a Space Being had communicated with him, the conclusion would doubtless be drawn that the pressure of the job had unhinged his mind. The same applies to all top government officials. Science, in the orthodox sense, would also have to be counted out quickly. All that dogma, all those misconceptions, all those brilliant minds banged, barred and bolted against anything radical. The UFO being might reason that this type of mind, which has been the major obstacle to innovation since the time of Galileo, is the poorest possible soil for new cosmic ideas. It seemed to me that the UFO beings would finally be compelled to start at the bottom and work up, rather than at the top and work down. slowly letting their presence, purposes and ability to communicate seep through the general population, forcing governments to take cognizance of the claims. In this way I came to visit Giant Rock, California, a desert airstrip in an isolated spot with a long history as a landing ground for aliens in pre-war days and as a burial ground for Indians in pre-paleface days. a 70-foot high boulder with enormous girth. In this arid, flinty locale there dwells a man who seems to harmonize with his environment. Middle aged, with sandy, thinning hair, George Van Tassel is one of the pioneers of communication with the UFO. Communication? No radio towers or antennae or electronic equipment clutter the area, for communication is carried on by telepathy, or thought transference, this skill, known to and used by the ancients and basically possessed by every human being, is one of the God-given faculties. It has atrophied in most of us through centuries of non-use. Beneath the Rock a large chamber has been hewn from the ground and furnished with chairs and tables. From this room, Mr. Van Tassel carries out his communications with the Saucer beings. In complete darkness and after preparatory measures closely resembling those of a seance room, there booms forth from Van Tassel's direction a voice that is most definitely not his own. "I am Hulda, your people will soon witness more fireballs, which we are dropping as nullifiers (of atomic fallout). Greetings of love and peace to you. " More messages follow, in voices which vary in accent, in timbre, in a manner that would be beyond the ability of even the most talented actor. These discourses deal with a variety of subjects, including life on other planets, UFO propulsion and always with atomic power. [20] THE TELLTALE CHANGE OF PERSONALITY. In my view, the entities speaking through Mr. Van Tassel were of a standard of intelligence far beyond his own. with grammar, sentence construction, and vocabulary beyond Mr. Van Tassel's attainments. The use of his personal physical facilities for these beings to manifest indicates that they are able to manifest here on earth only through the agency of suitable humans, although this is not yet entirely proven. Mr. Van Tassel is willing enough to give an earnest seeker the method of preparing oneself for this type of contact. He told me when I asked him and made no claims for patent rights or special talent. He did warn of possible ill effects but fired with enthusiasm I paid his cautioning little heed. In the light of my own later experiences with telepathy, I do not consider it wise to dispense the information regarding preparation for it to all and sundry. It can be dangerous and there are those who will dabble in these things who are totally unprepared for such activity. I know because I was just that type of person myself. Having asked for what I got, I have no complaints but I will not myself be responsible for dispensing the same information to others and hence it is excluded from this text. In the months that followed I sought contact consistently. As an investigator I felt this was the only fair way to test the suggestions Mr. Van Tassel had given me. Until I had, I was in no position to pass judgment on this contact business. Like all applications of spiritual science, investigation inevitably involves participation. One cannot afford the luxury of the onlooker consciousness, nor stand the penalties its misconceptions inflict upon spiritual growth. One participates, one experiences and then one knows! The truth is within the one who has had the experience and it may not be contradicted or negated, not by high domed pontiff, by atheistic scientist, nor by military officers active or retired. There is only one way to test the validity of UFO communication and that is to try it! He who has not tried it is not qualified to render judgments on its possibilities or probabilities. The months slipped past without results of any kind. However, I resolved that I would persist for a minimum period of six months, discouraged or not. Any other attitude would have been unfair and inconclusive. I continued to study the UFO of course, seeking to find the central theme of coherence that would make the pieces fit. One night at about ten o'clock I was reading Keyhoe's "Flying Saucer Conspiracy" with some care to particular details of one chapter. Suddenly I was seized by an overpowering impulse which I now realize was a tremendous thought impression, to pick up a pen and write. Obeying this impulse I picked up a pencil and began writing on the cover of a paper back book, the only thing handy on which I could make a mark. My arm was impelled and controlled by an unseen force and I wrote a largely unintelligible scrawl. Part II. One night at about ten o'clock I was reading Keyhoe's "Flying Saucer Conspiracy" with some care to details of one particular chapter. Suddenly, I was seized by an overpowering impulse, which I now realise was a tremendous thought impression, to pick up a pen and write. Obeying the impulse I picked up a pencil and began writing on the cover of a paper back book, the only thing handy on which I could make a mark. My arm was impelled and controlled by an unseen force and I wrote a scrawl which was largely unintelligible across the back of the book. At the bottom of the cover I distinctly wrote the word "discontinue", at which time the force on my arm was released just as though a switch had been thrown. I discussed this happening with my wife, who was somewhat startled. I stood in the middle of the floor gesticulating and was giving vent to my amazement, when a similar force was exerted upon my head, drawing it upwards and backwards with surprising power. By a great effort of will I was able to return my head to the normal position. The moment I ceased willing it there the force drew it upwards and backwards once more. Suddenly, as before, the force cut off as though switched and my puzzlement was now doubled. I discussed it briefly with my wife and a few minutes later had an overwhelming desire to go outside. Not wishing to further alarm my wife, I made the excuse that I had to go outside and move the car. As I moved to the door my right hand rose to the knob by this self-same force and closed around it. Once again, I could will it to my side. I turned my body slightly so that the left hand was nearer to the knob and it too rose and grasped the knob without any conscious effort on my part. I went outside and descended the stairs. Immediately upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, the force seized upon my whole body and I was propelled like a mechanical man down the street, halting at the corner. My body was spun around in a neat military right turn and I walked to the end of the block. Here again I was stopped, spun in yet another right turn and propelled in the same manner right around the block. Returning to the entrance to my apartment, the force once again was removed as though it had been switched off. Inside, I thought deeply about this entire process, not knowing what to conclude, since no communication of any kind had reached me [11] other than the unintelligible scrawl on the book cover. All I could think was that this had been some kind of a test. Today, of course, I look upon it as nothing more or less than an attempt to gain complete control of me, with disaster averted only by my absolutely inflexible resolve to remain master in my own house. CONSCIOUS MEDIUMSHIP, THE BEST KIND. After awhile I went to bed. Hardly in bed five minutes, I suddenly found my entire vocal mechanism functioning involuntarily and through it, intelligent words and phrases were being conveyed to me. I did not hear voices, either at this time or at any other subsequent time, but rather listened to my own speech mechanism, which was being used as the agency to communicate with me. The message as best I can recall went something like this: "I am Ashtar. I greet you from Schare, (Shuh-ree); your interest in our cause is well known and we would like you to help us. Would you be willing to do so?" The message then conveyed some intelligence to me concerning a theory of mine on the UFO which proved my theory both incorrect and potentially dangerous to me. I therefore felt that this initial communication, containing such a warning with intimate knowledge of the subject concerned, was indeed genuine. However, I was still greatly disturbed by the entire happening, even though I had sought to make contact with more than a little devotion. I had the inner feeling that all might not be what it seemed. Because of this, I sought out a kind gentleman greatly learned in occult matters and related my experience to him. From this man I obtained certain secret information concerning the protection of oneself during telepathic contact, since all who seek to contact one by telepathy may not be spacemen! This, my first contact with the world outside the purely physical was a jolt to me. Reared in Christian Science, I was not prepared for any of these things and least of all for the concept of aggressive forces in the unseen worlds. These few vital minutes with this remarkable man were probably the most important of my life. Without the advice I received and the knowledge to which I was made party in my own need, I would no doubt have been in serious danger. At this point, as I see it now, although I could not see it then, I was about half ready. In the weeks and months that followed I was able to appreciate that all beings, or intelligences, who circle our globe, or dwell near it, in high performance craft are not tall, handsome spacemen, free of dental caries and possessed of long, golden hair. Nor are all these intelligences governed by a desire to uplift humanity. There are benign beings . and there are others . whose morals, ethics, purposes and allegiances are the antithesis of all that a Christian man holds dear. There are still others, not human, who are probably not even conscious of our presence. (To be continued with Ashtar's communications to Trevor James in 1957). Part III. The information that follows, and the comment on it by myself is presented with the sole purpose of attempting to clarify the murkiest aspect of the UFO mystery for all who earnestly seek the answers. With the earnest seeking, it is almost mandatory for the truly sincere person to be intellectually bold enough to realize that the superphysical is very real. The messages are authentic communications through a form of telepathy, by myself, with an unseen intelligence or intelligences. In every case I was fully conscious and at no time was I under any form of control, seen or unseen. I had the power to instantly terminate any contact at any time, and the power to interrogate the invisible communicator in the course of the communication. To the best of my knowledge I have no telepathic power whatever with other human beings, and it is my present view that this system of communication used by these intelligences is simply tuned to the personal frequency of the human being and the intelligence passed in this way. No person should conclude that any special ability is required. Immediately upon terminating each contact the messages were compiled into written form as close to verbatim as possible. Later communications were taped, but none of these are now available and any tapes offered for sale using my name in this connection are bogus. Trevor: "Are you etheric beings or are you possessed of a fleshly physical body such as mine?" Ashtar: "I am etheric. I do not have a fleshly body like yours, bounded by flesh. But it is possible for me to make my being visible to your optics by certain changes in the vibratory rate." Trevor: "This would mean that you are normally invisible to us?" Ashtar: "Yes." Trevor: "As you are an etheric being, are other etheric beings visible to you?" Ashtar: "Yes, although not exactly in terms of optical vision as you know it." [10] It was about eighteen months after this communication had been received that I gained a rather startling proof of its validity. Realizing early in the game that an understanding of at least the rudiments of occultism and other aspects of philosophy were vital, I had pursued various phases of these subjects in the role of an investigator. I paid a call on a distinguished European lady in Los Angeles with an international reputation as a seer and psychic. Discussing various aspects of her faculty with me and answering my questions, she suddenly sat bolt upright in her chair. "Have you ever had any contact with any non-physical beings?" she asked with a smile. I replied that I believed I had, but not be completely sure. She then said, "There is a magnificent looking being standing beside you, and he communicates to me that his name is Ashtar. Do you know him?" I replied that the personality was familiar and she gave me a full description of him as she saw him clairvoyantly. Seven feet tall, extremely stern, helmeted and giving the impression of being a sort of military man. GUARDIAN COMMANDER OF CIS-LUNAR SPACE. This was extremely interesting insofar as Ashtar had described himself as the "Commandant, Vela Quadra Sector, Realms of Schare, All Projections, All Waves", and therefore would probably be a military type of being. Since I had not told her anything of my own activities in the UFO field, and she had never previously met me, I considered this incident to be a somewhat remarkable indication that Ashtar, in describing himself, had in fact told the truth, insofar as we could establish that truth. I saw nothing myself, being possessed of only ordinary sight. Trevor: "From your statement that you are etheric, am I to presume that you have evolved beyond the stage of a physical and astral body?" Ashtar: "Correct. I do not possess a physical casing of the dense type such as yours. I am definitely etheric as are all people on other planets in this solar system. (The Rosicrucian chart on page 1 of the Jan-Feb Journal illustrates this.) However, this does not mean that we are invisible to each other as we are to you under normal circumstances. We see each other and live much as you do, but we do not have this dense physical casing which you possess. "The advantages, benefits and comforts of this living are enormous, and the irritations of the fleshly envelope are most uncomfortable. Unless we choose to convert the vibrational frequencies of our bodies to one which is visible to your optics, we remain invisible to your people. Highly evolved people, with a good 'psychic eye' as you call it, can sometimes see us in vaporous form, although we may be invisible to other earthlings in the same location. When your clairvoyants travel to our civilizations on other planets, they see and are able to interpret our lives because they are not using their physical eyes but their astral or psychic sight, to which we are visible just as though we were physical." Trevor: "When you become visible to our eyes does the person who sees you know that you are a 'converted etheric'?" Ashtar: "Not as a rule. The conversion can be made so completely that a physical person encountering us thinks that we, too, are physical." WORKING WITHIN HUMAN LIMITATIONS. Trevor: "What of those who claim to have been up in your craft?" Ashtar: "In our contacts with earthlings we have to be careful not to go beyond their understanding. In these instances, the ships and all entities within them are converted to a vibrational level at which they had the substance of physical things as known to you. Whether the experience was physical or astral is not known to some people who had the experience." Trevor: "The astral and etheric concepts are difficult to grasp at first." Ashtar: "Persist and have faith. There is much to learn." Trevor: "I wish to ask a question or two concerning etheric substance." Ashtar: "We will be glad to answer whatever we can for you. We wish to arm you with as much knowledge as possible, and are limited in this only by your power to assimilate it. I do not wish to talk over your head but we will supply you with knowledge to the limit of your understanding." Trevor: "I am puzzled by the concept of etheric matter. For example, there is one case on record where one of our jet aircraft flew right though a space ship without hitting anything solid whatever. Are your ships made of a vaporous substance or are they a different form of earthly matter?" Ashtar: "We have all the elements you know on earth and many more. The etheric form of these metals differs in its atomic and molecular structure from earth-made metals. For example, the distance between the nucleus and the orbiting electrons of the etheric iron nucleus is much greater than in iron as you know it on earth. This permits the atoms of earthly steel to pass right through the atoms of etheric steel in such a way nothing happens to either form of steel. The etheric form of steel enjoys a higher vibratory rate than earthly steel and therefore is not apparent to earthly vision, or if you prefer, physical eyesight. Under certain circumstances it becomes visible, as in the presence of certain atmospheric gases of Shan (earth) or at will in accordance with the desire of the controlling intelligence. No matter how great the mass of the etheric substance, even a space ship measuring many miles across in your measure, physical matter cannot damage or injure it or its contents." Trevor: "When you speak of making etheric matter visible at will, is this the way that George Adamski was permitted to take his now famous photographs?" Ashtar: "Yes. Ether ships, as they have been called on your surface, have been made visible to and for certain individuals, selected, upon your surface of whom Adamski is one. Normally, the ships are part of the invisible world." Trevor: "If one were to develop astral vision, or the psychic eye, would he be able to see the ships?" Ashtar: "No. Not unless the vibratory rate of the ship were converted to the vibratory range of astral vision. Remember, the etheric vibratory rate is higher than the astral. Very few physical humans have some perception of the etheric, but they are not normal people as you know them and for the most part dwell in very secluded places. As a general rule, perception of the etheric through vision cannot-be accomplished except through the will of the etheric, converting etheric substance to a vibratory level where it is physically visible." CLEANING UP THE NUCLEAR FALLOUT. Trevor: "Is the puzzling phenomenon of the fireballs dropped from your craft?" Ashtar: "Yes." Trevor: "What is their purpose?" Ashtar: "The fireballs are nullifiers for certain radioactive effects which your scientists do not even know they are releasing. These nullifiers prevent the poisoning of your people, and are released upon the orders of our Heavenly Father. We cannot intervene actively in the cessation of such experiments but we must do all possible to prevent the wanton destruction of human life resulting from these experiments." Trevor: "It has been noted that the air contains a large percentage of copper after these fireballs have been seen." Ashtar: "This is true. It is part of the fireball's function. For the most part, these fireballs are seen in the vicinity of atomic installations and laboratories. But not all fireballs are ours, and all do not have the same purpose." The implication of this message is clear: More than one faction must be at work, for 'not all fireballs are ours.' Soon I was to learn the truth of this, and in learning this truth, to gain information which unraveled many of the unsolved mysteries of the UFO. (To be continued in the next Journal, with excerpts from Chapter Three, "Foes".) Part IV "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. And cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that, he must be loosed a little season." Revelations 20:2-3. At about the same time I received the information concerning the fireballs, especially that portion which stated that all did not come from the same craft, I came into contact with the now famous Shaver Mystery. and his claim that entities identifying themselves as the "dero" are an underground race living today within our planet. Trevor: "A question that has greatly disturbed me, concerns the presence of an underground race on this planet. I would appreciate any information you can give me." Ashtar: "At the core of your planet there dwells a greatly degenerated race, an astral race, which is degenerate not so much in science, but in every moral respect as you know and understand it. They are capable of space flight within the astral regions around the earth, but are earthbound. They are the forces of Eranus, whom you call Satan. They emerge at the South Pole. On your surface they have allies who are without morals and without mercy. I give you this information that you may be aware of their existence. I enjoin you to forever close any researches into this astral activity, in the interests of your own welfare. Be on your guard; always be careful and vigilant." Trevor: "These astrals from the earth's core are, I take it, the Dero of legend?" Ashtar: "No. The Dero are no longer confined in the caves of legend and story, but are reincarnated upon your surface. Many of your eminent scientists, driving forward with the perfection of ever more prodigious blast forces, are reincarnated deros. Because of their prior lives as cannibals and degenerate beings they are prone to exert themselves for destructive ends, since they fall easily under the astral influence." [13] Picture text follows. Satan approaching the confines of the earth, according to Gustav Dore's artistry. This was after Satan guided the unfortunate inhabitants of the planet Maldek to their doom. Millions of Maldekians fell with Him and are facing the same crisis, and the same choice . again . now! At this point we might mention the stories related by Gray Barker in his book "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers", concerning the black-suited men. These worthies apparently paid unscheduled visits to Saucer investigators with the idea of shutting them up when they got too near the truth. In my view, some of these Saucer investigators may have stumbled on this center of the earth concept, probed into it, stirred up these forces and consequently been handled harshly by their earthly representatives. These black-suited gents would probably be the "allies on your surface who are without morals or mercy". They endeavor in every case to fill those they visit with fear. This is a side to the UFO which is best left to those who not only know how to deal with these forces, but are authorized to do so. Trevor: "In our solar system are there any other physical beings like us?" Ashtar: "No. All beings on other planets in your solar system are etherics. On your planet, as you now know, there are two kinds of beings, physical and astral. Outside the earth-moon system in your solar system, all are etheric." Trevor: "How far from the surface of the earth in our measure do the astral regions extend?" Ashtar: "125,000 miles. Within them, the astral beings are confined. At certain times of the year, travel to the moon is possible to the astrals when the astral shells of the two bodies overlap. When these two shells separate however, any entities on the moon are cut off from the earth until the next time the astral shells overlap. No physical or astral entity can go beyond the earth-moon system." Trevor: "Three dimensional craft have been seen in addition to the others described in these contacts. They are believed to be of a mechanical type. Are there such ships and where do they come from?" Ashtar: "Yes, there are such ships. They come from the continent you call Antarctica. Before the Lemurian flood and rebalancing of the earth on its present axis, this was a great civilization. It was frozen quickly and its splendor swallowed under the ice. One city remains above the ice with a few dwellers. They have these craft and there are also some in Tibet. These dwellers are entirely separate from the forces in the center of the earth and plan hostility to no one. Mechanically propelled, these craft also outperform earthly aircraft." THE KINGDOM OF THE EARTHBOUND. Trevor: "What is the nature of the astral regions around the earth?" Ashtar: "The astral world is divided into two broad sections. First there are the bodiless entities from your surface, the so-called dead people, who must become incarnate again in order to pass completely to the etheric state. Some of these entities are waiting what will be their last incarnation. Others are those who have had their carnate existence ended abruptly or accidentally, such as criminals or soldiers. All these entities have in common the intense desire to become fleshly once more, in order that they may qualify to be no longer earthbound, when their incarnations terminate. This is the Garden of Waiting. "There are also the monstrosities and phantasmagoria which are degenerate thought forms. The other great section of the astral world is the astral regions of evil, which surround and interpenetrate the earth, inhabited by beings who are forever discarnate and forever earthbound by decree of the Great God of the Universe. These beings cannot enter the Garden of Waiting. It is against these forces that we of the etheric world are warring." Trevor: "What form does this war take? Is it a clashing of space ships in combat?" Ashtar: "This is not a matching of violences, as you suggest, but a battle for the control of earthly minds. Our purpose is to overcome the destructive influence, the physically violent influence which the dark ones seek to exert over mankind. Our purpose is to nullify the astral influence by restraining beings devoted to destruction and to physical violence. The dark ones seek to relegate the whole world to the darkness wherein they dwell and have power, and thereby increase their influence further. Our task, as decreed by the Heavenly Father, is to nullify, overpower and banish the work of the dark ones by good influences upon humanity. This is the true nature of the battle rather than spacecraft versus spacecraft." Trevor: "What is the nature of the core of our planet? Is it solid? Or is it hollow?" Ashtar: "The center of the earth consists of matter of a density comparable to air, although it is not air. You would term it hollow in your expression. It is here that the forces of Satan dwell. Near the South Pole they emerge in their craft and circle the planet. Clumsy and primitive by our technology, their craft are still greatly advanced over yours, and they are easily able to outperform and to outmanoeuver mechanical craft of physical manufacture. They are considerably faster, being capable of speeds in excess of three thousand miles per hour." Trevor: "How far above the surface may the dark forces penetrate and can physical man penetrate this far? That is, will man ever be able in physical form to penetrate this far?" Ashtar: "The limit of their altitude attainment is 125,000 miles. Physical man is also limited to this extension. In the upper portions of it however, man in the physical form will exist only with extreme difficulty and after years of training and development. As previously described, when the moon's astral envelope or aura overlaps with that of the earth, commerce is possible. At times of contact the astral entities from the core of Shan travel to the moon." THERE IS A LUNAR MAFIA, THE MEN IN BLACK. Trevor: "What is the nature of life on the moon? Are the moon people physical or astral?" Ashtar: "The moon people are physical in form and astral in allegiance. They are allied with Satan." Trevor: "Are these craft from 'downstairs' comparable to the Atlantean machines?" Ashtar: "They are almost identical with those craft. They are, of course, made of a material that is akin to but of a higher vibratory form than your own matter. They are, therefore, not normally visible to your optics." Trevor: "Is there any broad general method by which the etheric or friendly craft can be distinguished from the astral machines from the center of the earth?" Ashtar: "As a general rule you may conclude that all cigar-shaped craft are potentially hostile to your people. These are the craft from the center of the earth which have carried out and are carrying out hostile acts. Our craft are for the most part heel-shaped or disc-shaped. This is a rule of thumb as you term it, for distinguishing between them." Trevor: "Are there any basic rules, even if they are broad rules, by which the various craft can be identified when they appear solely as light manifestations?" Ashtar: "There is a broad general rule which may apply for the purposes of identification. It is not exact, but is a rule of thumb. The true interplanetary craft, the ventlas of our forces, will appear to your optics with a manifestation of colored lights, usually green, red and white. They will sometimes appear constantly red and green, other times they will appear to be flashing. Those of the satanic forces seldom exhibit color, but come with white or bluish white manifestations. This should aid you in selecting the ships with which you might have contact." (To be continued with excerpts from Chapter Four: "Green Men, Monsters and Skeptics"). Pertinent Excerpts From A Flying Saucer Classic Of The 1950s, Part V. The UFO picture was still far from complete, even though the communications from Ashtar were filling it in quickly and with bold strokes. Sometimes shocked, sometimes nonplussed, I nevertheless found much that was contained in these communications to be true. In many instances, explanations came to hand for observed phenomena, although these were not always direct answers but rather signposts for the direction of one's reasoning power. Some information had been offered about the various types of craft, now the question arose of the crews, what were the occupants of these craft like. in the case of the machines purported to come from the center of the earth? Trevor: "By whom are these craft manned?" Ashtar: "They have a variety of beings in their craft. They may be human type entities in the astral body, in every way similar to yourself. They may be elemental sub-human slaves of the astrals, or they may be astral monsters of a proportion and type likely to fill you with terror were you to contemplate them. In your measurement, many of them are gigantic, and horrible to behold. The craft may be manned by any or all of these creatures. "The silver spheres frequently reported, especially those associated with reports of little men as occupants, are a type of craft launched from the carriers of the dark ones. There are several facts which govern the sightings of these things. In the first place, a combination of atmospheric conditions and the physical condition of the viewer may render them visible. In the case of the monstrosities seen by only one person, this may be the case. Certain physical conditions of the viewer may render them visible to one man when they will not be seen by another man beside him. Hence the common term 'hallucination'. But the man who sees these monstrosities is seeing something very real, and while it can be said that the experience is a subjective one in a sense, it is also a view into the unseen worlds which surround and interpenetrate your own. Great confusion is caused upon your surface by the varying descriptions of little green men, little men in various types of clothing and so forth. Believe me, it would take many books to fully describe the many types of elementals who dwell in the invisible realms." [15] UNPALATABLE MONSTERS. There have been instances of pilots seeing some of these Saucer entities and going out of their minds as a result. One such incident, presented in what amounts to hearsay form in Major Keyhoe's "Flying Saucer Conspiracy", concerns an Air Force pilot in Hawaii. Sent up on a UFO scramble, he was alleged to have landed in babbling terror, after having seen the occupant of one of the UFOs. The Pearl Harbor incident harks back to Oct. 8, 1953 when a voice suddenly cut in on a Salt Lake City radio station and proclaimed "I speak from a space ship. You cannot reach me, but I can, with ease, reach you. If you saw me, I should be so horrible in your eyes that you would be scared to death." Trevor: "Are the dark ones craft propelled by the same propulsion system as yours?" Ashtar: "No. They use an electromagnetic drive on some of them. Others are propelled by a jet and hydraulic system. That their propulsion systems are less than ours is indicated by the fact that they have a maximum speed of 3500 mph in your measure. The different propulsion systems give rise to the different light manifestations, although these are a rule of thumb and not an arbitrary and fixed method of identifying the different types. They also have discoidal machines similar to our ventlas." Trevor: "On occasions, elementals have been seen stealing water, or water has disappeared in large amounts following Saucer sightings. Why is this?" Ashtar: "Water is a valued commodity in the center of the earth where they dwell. One of the reasons they come to your surface is to steal water, which they do from lakes, rivers, reservoirs and tanks as convenience dictates." I first stumbled into the concealment aspects of the UFO at the Spacecraft Convention held at Giant Rock, California in 1956. My attention became drawn to a section of the sky beyond the head of Frank Scully, who was speaking at the time. I saw several clouds appear and disappear in a strange fashion, for they hung motionless and unaffected by the wind that blew quite strongly. I noticed that the vapor trail of a high flying plane was rapidly dispersed, while these clouds continued to materialize and dematerialize. I took off on foot across the desert for perhaps a couple of miles, until I came to a point just below the clouds. One thinned out and began to disappear. I perceived a reddish glow with a rotary effect within it for a few brief seconds. Then, about a minute later I perceived the reddish glow once more, but it was obscured almost instantly by a condensation of vapor which gave the appearance of a small cloud. From this series of events I deduced that as the craft became visible, for some reason or another, it was capable of condensing water vapor around itself, remaining invisible to the eyes, even though it was probably at our visual frequency, inside the cloud. Part VI. In the book "Into This World and Out Again" by George Van Tassel, the statement is made that there are three sub-stations established in the "vortex of the Earth" whatever that might be. One of these stations, named Shan Chea, is purported to be 1500 miles square in our measure. Yet, we cannot see this enormous object! Because we cannot see the object, the scientific attitude has been that such statements are pure balderdash and properly belong in the science fiction field. The information regarding these satellites was on record before Dr. Tombaugh and Dr. LaPaz located the so-called moonlets, and may be the reason these gentlemen began looking for them. Until their location, astronomers were quite sure there was no heavenly body closer to the earth than the moon. But even Dr. LaPaz and Dr. Tombaugh could not "see" the moonlets, which were alleged to have been detected by radar. According to George Van Tassel, these space stations are positive to light, and therefore not visible to our positive polarity vision. Trevor: "What can you tell us about Shan Chea? How long has it been orbiting the earth? What is its size relative to Schare, the other base you have near us?" Ashtar: "Shan Chea is the earth-child satellite and has been orbiting your earth now for almost 2000 years since the appearance of Jesus the Master upon your surface. 1500 miles square it is a complex assemblage of instrumentation which permits constant surveillance of your surface and the beings upon it. Before very many months have passed . although we will at this time give you no earthly measure of when, Shan Chea will pass through the atmosphere of Shan (earth) and a great commotion will be caused by its appearance. It will be visible to physical eyes at that time. "Our present altitude is 500 miles and varies considerably from time to time. Schare is different to Shan Chea in that it is a Quadra station. It is not square, but what you call spheroid. Its purposes are also different in our system." [20] ASTRONOMY'S FALSE FRAMEWORK. With reference to astronomy Ashtar had this to say: "The most outstanding fact about your astronomers is their unwillingness to learn. There are two basic things in your astronomy which lead to most of its erroneous concepts. Light is not understood by your technology, and light-years, the derivative measure of distance which is based on a misunderstanding of light itself. On Shan (earth) you have not yet begun to understand the true nature of light. "We do things with light and through light that would astound your most brilliant minds. These erroneous concepts held by your astronomers lead to treacherous errors in the theories which are based on them. These continue to compound themselves until the whole fabric of astronomical theory on Shan is stretched upon an entirely false framework. Errors of this nature are doubly compounded with the use of spectroscopes for viewing other planets and deciding by this means whether or not life is possible upon their surfaces. To begin with, all conceptions currently held by your astronomers regarding the nature of atmospheric gases, temperature and pressure upon other planets are incorrect. "My own home planet, Venus, for example, has many elements in its atmosphere which are unknown upon Shan. Added to this, your scientists do not know the composition of their own atmosphere belt, through 250 miles of which they are looking at the light from other planets. And then, space itself is something of which they know little, although their estimates of what it s are quite authoritative in their own eyes. They imagine it to be a vacuum of some kind, whereas in fact it is filled with a host of things, including etheric currents of which they know nothing. The spectroscope cannot even perform with remote accuracy under these conditions, especially as the outer limits of your own atmosphere are extremely variable and uncertain as to content." There is observational evidence to prove that the etheric concept has validity, strange as it may seem. The classic case of this is the New Zealand sighting where a large fusiform "spacecraft" as big or bigger than a DC6 airliner exploded over that country's Southern Alps leaving a tall column of smoke. If the physical theory is to hold true for all the UFO, there simply had to be wreckage of this large craft. None was ever found. Can we get an explanation of these happenings from an invisible intelligence? Ashtar: "On occasions, craft crash for one reason or another, not the least of which is the striking of giant nodes in the space currents on which we travel. These disintegrate the craft, even as a surge of power will burst open an electric motor not protected by fuses. Sometimes, in the disintegration process, the etheric matter may be rendered visible as it becomes subject to gravity and lands upon earth. It will, however, rapidly degenerate into jelly, then into liquid, and then into gas, from which condition it returns to the universe once more." [21] In the rudimentary schooling given to most people, rain, clouds and wind are part of the weather. Meteorologists may not consider these part of the weather. I do regard rain, clouds and wind as part of the planetary weather and, since these are the agencies through which radioactive rain is delivered to human habitations, I cannot accept the statements of meteorologists that atom bombs do not affect the weather. What other effects are wrought by the release of radioactive particles we cannot tell. Perhaps these particles, after ascending to great altitudes, are affected by the earth's polarity to produce strange weather effects. ATOMIC BLASTING EFFECTS, ANOTHER VIEW. Ashtar: "I have information for you concerning the testing of hydrogen derivative weapons at Eniwetok. The continued release of these of these blast forces, both at Eniwetok and elsewhere on Shan has produced a change in your planetary weather system that is irrevocable. Your seasons, as you term them, are now moved forward eight weeks over past records. Thus, summer extends into October, winter into the end of April. These changes, of course, are permanent. In addition, the axis of the planet has been disturbed producing irregularities in astronomical observations which are already concerning your scientists. "We find it the height of folly and fallacy that your meteorological men cannot correlate these changes to blast forces released. The blasts penetrate not only to the limit of your atmosphere, but beyond into the solar system of which Shan is a part, and into other solar systems. Reactions are produced by this fission of which your scientists are presently unaware. These reactions affect the atmospheric envelope of Shan, through which they are conveyed first by the power of the explosion and subsequently by the planetary wind system. These are not predictions, my friend, these things are in effect today." THE AIR DROP BLAST OF 1956. Ashtar: "Scientists have already exploded yet another fission device at Eniwetok. You have already experienced the drop in temperature. There will be more. There will be considerable climatic havoc on your surface. The effect of fission upon the weather is obvious to everyone except the scientists, who do not wish to believe what is obvious to the simplest entity. Your scientists are not satisfied with the sun they have been given, but prefer to make their own. The Creator's work is not good enough for them. This prospect fills us with sorrow." With only U.S. newspaper reports to go by, I submit that there was "considerable climatic havoc". Immediately following the May 21, 1956 air-drop bomb, the city of Indianapolis was inundated by torrential rain. This flood was unprecedented in the area. The Idaho floods worsened as hundreds were driven from their homes. An undersea eruption took place off the Hawaiian Islands and record-breaking low temperatures, plus frost, inflicted at least $5 million worth of damage on farmers in U.S. northeastern states. Many northern New England towns had temperatures in the 203 at the end of May. European records of weather at the time are also far from pleasant. ANNIHILATION ON THE LOWER ASTRAL PLANE. Trevor: "It seems to me that there is too much unanimity in the objections received from the unseen world about atomic blasting. I also note that you seem to regard a certain amount of destruction as being part of our present lives. Is it therefore true that atomic bombs destroy in some way the dark ones, or so affects them that they cannot function properly?" Ashtar: "I am able to answer that in the affirmative, to this extent. The forces I command know that certain evolutionary courses have to be followed by your planet, and it is unfortunate that destruction is a part of this evolutionary plan. There is no way that particular facet of human conduct can be eliminated except by evolution. Therefore, our concern is not so much with explosions, bombing or killing but with the fission of a living substance, such as hydrogen. (The three others are oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. Their symbol is the Swastika or the swirling hooked cross. RHC.) This is not permitted and we will halt any experimentation of this type. No living substance may be fissionized. "The effect of atomic bombs on the Dark Forces is very profound. The particular form of blast caused by nuclear or atomic weapons sunders the intelligence faculties from the forms they are associated with and scatters these into space where they cannot be reassembled. Thus the atomic bomb means for them annihilation, even as it will eventually mean a similar fate for humanity if employed to excess, at least as far as physical life is concerned. "The effect upon the particular molecular structure of the Dark Ones is profound. Therefore you find that practically all communications from them deal with and dwell on this particular thing. It is in a sense a manifestation of the Power of the Almighty and it is curtailing their activities considerably. It is also a weapon against them, for which they have no answer. How strange it is after all their depredations that they should suddenly ask someone to be merciful to them." Trevor: "What do the present intentions of the Dark Ones portend, concerning assaults on our surface?" Ashtar: "During the next few weeks and months the astral forces will increase their activities along the western coasts of America. Many of their craft will be sighted. Should aircraft of yours be sent against them, they will be destroyed by the agency of a heat ray. Fires of mysterious origin will occur in the Americas and Western Europe. Explosions and unforecasted weather phenomena will be part of their system of attack. Failures in electronic equipment are easily induced by them." Part VII. "Should aircraft of yours be sent against them, (the Flying Saucers of the Fallen Hierarchs from Dubhe? The Lunar Mafia?) they will be destroyed by the agency of a heat ray," said Ashtar to Trevor in regards to his query about the intentions of the "dark ones". With this reference to a heat ray it seemed to me that Buck Rogers was coming home to roost. To preclude the possibility that such things could be used is the worst kind of dogma. Trevor: "Is this heat ray the one which has been reported in some attacks on earth aircraft?" Ashtar: "Yes, it is a heat ray which has been used to interfere with ignition systems and to start extensive fires in various parts of the world." Trevor: "Many investigators are anxious to know why the dark forces cause these crashes of planes and collisions causing loss of life. It is not readily apparent to us, nor why or exactly how it is done." Ashtar: (After a pause) "First let me say that the dark ones are highly desirous of causing destruction of airplanes and do so frequently. They would, if it were possible, bring down many more of them if this action would not result in their being detected by some of your people. The reason for this airplane crashing is really very simple for one who has grasped the concept of astral and etheric realms beyond the physical. Frequently, the astrals desire some particular person for a special purpose, perhaps a technician, an engineer, or one of special skill or talent. They wish to abduct him, in other words." (John Keel gives a chapter to selective abductions in his Fawcett paperback, "Our Haunted Planet", 1971: "In Antarctica an American scientist vanished without a trace on May 7, 1965. He was Carl Robert Disch, twenty-six, and he was assigned to the Byrd Station, operating equipment to investigate VLF (Very Low Frequency) radio noises for the National Bureau of Standards. He set out to walk from his hut to the main station a short distance away, following a handline that was strung as a guide for the path between the two points. When he failed to appear after 45 minutes, the other scientists went out searching for him in tracked vehicles. (If Disch had fallen and was lying in the snow,' Ron Sefton, the leader of the Byrd station explained to William J. Parkinson of the Baltimore 'Sun', 'the huskies would have seen him long before the searchers did. Similarly, if he had fallen and was covered by drifting snow, the dogs would have sighted the mound and rushed out to investigate it. That's the way huskies are.' ("The search went on for three days and covered a 55 mile area around the hut. Disch's own dog, a husky called Gus, disappeared shortly afterwards. Some of the searchers claimed they saw mysterious lights and heard engine noises in the distance. Antarctica, of course, is uninhabited except for a handful of international scientists who work very closely with one another.") "After an airplane crash," continued Ashtar, "when the person concerned is released from his physical body after his 'death' his astral form is seized and taken to the nether regions. (This suggests the Lunar Mafia rather than the Insectoids. RHC) The crashes are brought about by several agencies. First, instrumentation failure, resulting in collision of one kind or another. Secondly, production of fire, usually in the vicinity of the fuel tanks. Thirdly, complete suspension of the entire electrical system in the airplane. Fourthly, the use of the force field of their own craft to induce structural failure." THE WALESVILLE, NEW YORK TRAGEDY. The well-known Walesville case is very definitely an instance of this heat ray. A Starfire jet fighter, chasing a UFO near Utica, New York was subjected to a ferocious heat which almost drove the pilot and observer insane and forced them to bail out of their fighter. The jet crashed into the village of Walesville with some loss of life. These airmen are fine young men, well- trained and equipped with the best that the United States can provide. To make such men bail out of a plane over a populated area, the heat had to be fantastic. There was no question in this case of the UFO not being visible, for they were chasing it! It is also an instance of someone living to tell about what happened. Could there have been other instances similar in which there were no survivors? The UFO hovered above the scene of the crash, as large as life, glowing brilliantly. Word recently reached me of yet another abduction of pilots from a jet trainer out of Bolling Field, Washington, D.C. The trainer took off with two occupants, and three hours fuel. Given up for lost, the jet trainer suddenly appeared over the airfield six hours later, landed and skidded to a halt at the end of the runway. There were no occupants! Trevor: "We have been puzzled by the abductions of whole airplanes and crews periodically. There are some things we would like to know. First, do you ever for any reason take human beings off this earth, or abduct them so to speak? Secondly, why are these airplanes taken?" Ashtar: "First, our laws forbid us to interfere in any way with the life of any entity. We cannot bring about a physical death wittingly under any circumstances. Everything must proceed in its Universal plan, which we are bound to carry out. However, the dark ones do not live by these laws and prey upon mankind freely, seeking vehicles for themselves by any method they know. They do not hesitate to bring about the 'death' as you term it, of any entity if it serves their purpose. We have nothing to gain or learn by taking your machines. THE REASONS FOR ABDUCTIONS? CENSORED! "They have several reasons for the abductions of airplanes and crews. First, they may desire the actual physical material of which the machine is constructed, for purposes of their own which don't concern you at the moment. Secondly, they may desire the entities in the airplane for purposes of their own, regarding which I shall presently tell you nothing. Thirdly, they may desire both of these two things in combination. "The advancement in flight of earthmen is moving steadily towards the 3500 mph which is the limit of their present attainment. They are interested in seeing what you are doing and how you are doing it. The increasing mastery of the science of flight, soon to make extra large forward steps is concerning them greatly. All this is a little beyond your present understanding, but eventually you will piece it all together and know the whole Truth." (Received in September, 1956). "I wish to alert you to the forthcoming renewed attacks on your planes which will be carried on by the dark ones. Keep careful watch on these reports." I resolved that I would watch the news with great care. I was disturbed by what happened. The reader must decide for himself whether or not there is any value or virtue to what I have recorded: Sept 17: Lockheed high altitude U-2 research craft reportedly exploded and crashed near Kaiserlautern, Germany. The J-57 powered jet was in Europe conducting tests on clear air turbulence, convective clouds and jet streams at altitudes of 50,000-55,000 feet. The pilot was missing and feared dead. Sept 18: Madera, Calif. B-52 Eight-jet bomber bursts into flames in mid-air. Five men killed, pilot escapes, together with another man variously described as a maintenance expert, etc. Earlier in the year (1956) another plane of the same type exploded in flight near Tracy, Calif with malfunction of the complex electrical system blamed for the crash. Sept 22: Eindhoven, Holland. Jet fighter crashes into thickly populated area. Pilot and civilians killed. Sept 22: San Bernardino Cal. Jet fighter crashes on Mt. McKinley in San Bernardino Mountains. Pilot escapes but crash starts worst fire in the history of the area. Sept.24: Mt. Yale, Col. Air Force C-47 crashes into the north face of this mountain at 10:30 a.m. Twelve occupants killed instantly. Sept 25: Tallahassee, Fla. Two jets collide over the city with all occupants killed in both planes. Part VIII . Oct. 2: Tokyo, Japan. USAF KB29 tanker plane crashes. Got out of control on landing. Oct. 2: San Diego, Calif. Navy AD5N Skyraider crashes into San Diego bay, pilot missing. Oct. 3: Honolulu, Hawaii, Marine jet fighter missing on night training flight. Fury jet was last heard from approaching its base at Kaneohe Naval Air Station. Oct. 3: Charleston, S.D. C-124 Globemaster crashes and burns on landing at Kelley Air Force Base. Coming in with one dead engine, plane lost power on second engine during final approach. Oct. 4: Rapid City, S.D. An F-28-D jet based at Ellsworth Air Force Base crashes. Pilot bails out after feeling "explosion in the tail of the plane". Live rockets are strewn around crash site. Oct. 4: El Cajon, Calif. Navy F3H Demon Fighter crashes on mountain side. Pilot bailed out. Oct. 5: Everett, Wash. Two F89H interceptors missing, believed to have collided in flight. Both planes carried pilot and radar observer. Oct. 6: Medicine Bow Peak, Wyoming. DC4 airliner crashes en route from Denver to Salt Lake City. The Civil Aeronautics Board, in its formal report said, the probable cause was pilot deviation from the planned Denver-Salt Lake City route for some "unknown reason". Only a fool would point to such a list of accidents and say it is concrete proof of interference by UFO or proof of the hostility of some of them. It is not concrete proof, but it is a highly unusual list of accidents when it is considered alongside Ashtar's message of September 17, 1956. Many of these strange happenings in the air may be part of a long term plan to terrorize, i.e. to produce fear in people. Referring to this matter, Ashtar made the following statement: "Let me give you this earnest injunction. Cast out all fear, for fear is the lubricant, the food and the vehicle of the Dark Forces. Without fear you are truly impregnable, so strive for this attainment." As for the seeming contradiction found in the possession of extremely advanced scientific devices by certain of these degenerate spirit-beings, who appear to have aggressive designs on some aspects of our civilization, let another statement from Ashtar be our guide: "Scientific advancement is not now, never was, and never will be related to moral development." Let those who adhere to the fiction that the advent of the UFO is a purely scientific phenomenon, unrelated to spiritual, moral or ethical values ponder upon the self-evident truth of this statement. THE DANGERS OF INDISCRIMINATE MEDIUMSHIP. In recent years, since the first contacts with space men were made, a great deal of indiscriminate trance mediumship has been indulged in by untrained persons of varying scruples. The result has been a plethora of communications from alleged "spacemen", many of which are of a specious nature, self-contradictory and at variance with the observed facts. The point has now been reached in the various "saucer clubs" where the sound of a voice, any voice, on a tape recorder mumbling about "the confederation of interplanetary government" or other questionable things is greeted with delighted cries of "It's the spacemen speaking!" Voices of unseen personalities, no matter who they may claim to be, are no guarantee of truth. The thing that makes a man a liar is that he pretends to tell the truth and takes you in! A skillful liar often gets away with lying for years in our own society. Another difficulty lies in the fact that many people claiming contact with "spacemen" want to be the new Messiah. their total lack of discrimination merely indicates that they are ideally suited to be fooled. They are set-ups for those unethical invisibles who are themselves set up to fool, to delude and to confuse. The particular being referred to in this book, Ashtar, once expressed the view that all communications, no matter whence they are purported to emanate, be considered solely on their own merits. He has frequently stated that many come in his name and under his name, and therefore it is foolish to presume that because a message comes "from Ashtar" it is automatically the truth. It is his wish that all messages be scrutinized and given the full glare of critical judgement regardless of the purported source, and especially of the name employed to gain confidence and a ready ear. Ethical beings wishing to convey information will usually ensure that the person they contact will have access to and will seek protective measures necessary to prevent the unethical beings from interfering with and corrupting the channel they wish to use. For these ethical beings to open these faculties in a human being, probably by etheric means, is therefore a very solemn undertaking. Naturally, for their own purposes, they do not want contacts on earth who are just "broad tuned" to everything thrust at them from the invisible. Here is a warning on this matter from Andolo, mentioned earlier in the book: THE NEED FOR OCCULT SCIENCE. "I shall issue this warning. Those of you who are seeking to make contact with the higher forces, are exposing yourself to dangers from which it may be beyond our power to deliver you once they have happened. Our suggestion to all those seeking contact by other than mechanical or artificial means is to first seek protection and knowledge from what are termed on your surface, 'occult sources'. "If you yourself rend the veil between yourself and the invisible worlds, then you may find waiting on the other side, forces alien to all your ideals and higher concepts. These forces will be unwilling to release you from their toils once you are in them. I therefore enjoin greatest care and caution in attempting telepathic contact with us. If you will read the earlier communications of this channel you will realize as nothing else will make you realize the type of creatures with whom you may be making contact. Some of them are highly evolved and are able to masquerade as spacemen quite effectively. Others have nothing valid to impart and use your contact with them for joking amusement or as a means of obtaining control of a physical vehicle. "These things deserve to be weighted and evaluated most carefully by those who, however sincere their beliefs, may in the very act of contacting us be exposing themselves to all that they do not wish to contact either in the visible or invisible realms. We have the power and means to make contact with any person we desire to be of conscious service to us, and when we make such contact, it is made so that the person concerned is neither harmed nor placed in danger." Reared in the Christian faith, I must insist that any invisible being serves the Christ spirit before I will transact any business with him. In the stumbling, backsliding, groping fashion that is the hall-mark of the Christian, I try to live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Trevor: "Why has the information you have given me been passed through me? That is, why have I been used as the channel for it?" Ashtar: "This information is well known in occult circles upon your planet, and has been known for many thousands of years by those you term initiates and adapts. This information, however, could not be revealed through their agency to the outside world. We therefore have selected individuals whose analytical minds and willingness to accept new concepts will make them channels for the truth. Your recognition of yourself as the channel for and not the originator of this material is both discreet and honorable." Let it be seen from this communication that the knowledge advanced step by step is neither new nor revolutionary in those circles, where under oaths of secrecy, all these matters are studied and mastered by those who are fitted for such things. In my opinion, a great deal more is already known of these UFO by certain human beings on earth than could possibly be passed through a person of such limited abilities and knowledge as myself. Trevor: "I would like your comments on the rumor being circulated that Ashtar is a giant mechanical brain." Ashtar: "I have in the past mentioned this to my other friends. This idea is sown maliciously to bring about confusion and disbelief in what is coming from this source. The dark ones, who are our foes, would very much like to see the faith built up in these messages and contacts betrayed and destroyed. And yet the merit of their content forbids any such thing taking place. Hence the idea of a 'giant mechanical brain' has been circulated to let your people think that they are contacting some vast mechanism instead of a being. I give you my personal assurance that I am as real and as individual as yourself. The fact that I am upon a plane of existence where higher vibrations prevail alters my reality not one whit. I do not see the reason for any further discussion upon this point." THE HIGHLY IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ASTRAL AND ETHERIC. Trevor: "I would like you to give your description of the differences between space people and spirit people. I would appreciate as full an answer as my understanding permits." Andolo: "The differences are very great, although to the cursory glance it may seem that space people are spirits. However, it all comes down to a matter of the condition in which we dwell. We are etheric beings, in your expression. By this I mean that we live upon a higher plane of existence. We are not discarnate in the sense of having no bodies. We have etheric bodies which are counterparts of your bodies but which are made of a more tenuous substance, and which are not subject in the same way to gravitational effects. "The etheric state in which we dwell is one of many on an ascending evolutionary scale to which we all belong. Above us, for example, are beings more highly evolved than us by as great a gap as there is between ourselves and you. This is not meant in any deprecatory sense towards you but merely as a factual statement about the scales on which we dwell. Upon our plane of life we have much the same type of existence as you do, although it is free of the corruptions, crimes and undesirable elements which are to be worked out of a being's karmic life before he may pass into the etheric state. "Your earth is a testing ground, one of many hundreds of thousands of testing grounds in the Universe, where beings evolve upwards on the scale of life, working constantly towards junction with the Great One as the ultimate attainment of all existence." Part IX. Andolo: "Upon our plane of life we have much the same type of existence as you do, although it is free of the corruptions, crimes and undesirable elements which are to be worked out of a being's karmic life before he or she may pass into the etheric state. Your earth is a testing ground, one of many hundreds of thousands of testing grounds in the Universe, where beings evolve upwards on the scale of life, working constantly towards junction with the Great One as the ultimate attainment of all existence. "We, upon the etheric planes pass on to higher planes just as you do from earth, when qualified. This transformation on your earth is termed death. To us it is merely a transformer interposed between us and the next level of life to which we will ascend. We will stress once more that the greatest factor in the way of a proper grasp of the true story of life on your planet is the conception that death is the end of all existence. Nothing could be further from the truth. "Upon your plane you must serve out the evolutionary period before you can ascend to the higher worlds. The fleshly bodies which you have are part of a plan to aid your working through this scale of existence. At your level you must endure savage crimes, wars, strife and violence; and the Great One, in his wisdom, has seen fit to use the fleshly body as the most convenient method of taking care of this almost elemental state of existence. "Now then, there are more people waiting to serve out their karmic penalties then there are physical casings or bodies to go around. Therefore there is a dwelling place around your planet for those bodiless entities from your surface. These are spirits, or spirit people. They are, if you like, in suspension, or their evolution is interrupted; and they are anxious to return to the body, either to carry out something they left undone, or else, after realizing the truth or partial truth of creation, to become incarnate again and work towards proper passage through earthly life prior to ascending to higher realms. "We are in bodies of a tenuous but none the less real substance, vibrating at a rate much greater than that which prevails upon your planet. Spirit people are dwellers in astral form who cannot go beyond that astral form without serving out their karmic life in a casing of flesh as you know it. Communication is possible, both with us and the spirit people. But in communicating with Spirits you may find that they know but little more than earth dwellers, and in many cases not as much. They may have nothing valid to impart. They may play tricks and jokes upon people contacting them. Therefore we can only suggest that all such communication be done with extreme care and with a reason. Without reason behind it, it is little more than folly. I leave you in love and good will. I am Andolo." Let the predominant lesson of this chapter be that all who seek to contact human beings by extra-sensory means may not be spacemen at all, at least as they have been depicted as as tall, handsome, with long golden hair and no dental caries. Along with beings who are supremely wise and beneficent, there are those who are malevolent and malicious, and those who may not live by any standard of values we could comprehend. Realizing that I was venturing into realms where I was definitely a stranger, and in the presence of an order of beings I could not control, I decided to devote myself in the future to learning more about these things before opening any more doors. THE STRUGGLE TO GET PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE. In the days I went to the Mojave Desert to try to get some photographs of spacecraft, I had not even begun to fully comprehend the significance of the information I had been given, and fondly imagined that Ashtar and his men would come in their craft, become visible, I would photograph them, and that would be that. It was not that easy. Although it took me many months to realize it, the etheric forces probably do not have the power to manifest at our frequency level without the aid, witting or unwitting, of some person here. At the time I set my mind on the photographic project, Ashtar indicated that it would be difficult, but the paucity of my own knowledge undoubtedly prevented him from explaining exactly why it would be difficult. but it was impossible then, as I now see, for Ashtar to explain all these things to my lowly intelligence. Our first trip to the desert on this project took place on August 18, 1956, and the purpose of my friend Jim Woods and I was to get photographs on purpose. We have done the same thing many times since, and have driven many thousands of miles to master this art, or at least its elements. On this trip we were a pair of splendid ignoramuses and are appalled today by our own conceit in thinking that we were in just one weekend to lay bare the whole UFO mystery. So we set out for the Mojave, planning to drive down the strip of desert between Victorville and Yucca Valley, California, and camp there in an isolated spot. Ashtar suggested that I be on the alert for an indication of where to turn off the road, but I did not attach special importance to this. Part X. Andolo: "Your earth is a testing ground, one of many hundreds of thousands of testing grounds in the Universe, where beings evolve upwards on the scale of life, working constantly towards junction with the Great One as the ultimate attainment of all existence. "We on the etheric planes pass on to higher planes just as you do from earth, when qualified. This transformation on your plane is termed death. To us it is merely a transformer interposed between us and the next level of life to which we will ascend. We will stress once more that the greatest factor in the way of a proper grasp of the true story of life on your planet is the conception of death as the end of all existence. Nothing could be further from the truth! "Upon your plane, you must serve out an evolutionary period before you can ascend to the higher worlds. The fleshly bodies which you have are part of a plan to aid your working through this scale of existence. At your level you must endure savage crimes, wars, strife and violence; and the Great One, in his wisdom, has seen fit to use the fleshly body as the most convenient method of taking care of this almost elemental stage of existence. "Now then, there are more people waiting to serve out their karmic penalties than there physical casings or bodies to go around. Therefore there is a dwelling place around your planet for these bodiless entities from your surface. These are Spirits or spirit people. They are, if you like, in suspension, or their evolution is interrupted; and they are anxious to return to a body either to carry out something they left undone, or else, after realizing the truth or partial truth of creation, to become incarnate again and work towards proper passage through earthly life prior to ascending to higher realms. "We are in bodies of a tenuous but none the less real substance, vibrating at a rate much greater than that which prevails upon your planet. Spirit people are dwellers in astral form who cannot go beyond that astral form without serving out their karmic life in a casing of flesh as you know it. Communication is possible for you, both with us and with the spirit people. But in communicating with spirits you may find that they know but little more than earth dwellers, and in many cases not as much. They may have nothing valid to impart. They may play tricks and jokes upon people contacting them. Therefore we can only suggest that all such communication be done with extreme care and with a reason. Without reason behind it, it is little more than folly. I leave you in love and good will. I am Andolo." The reasons for our lives here on earth would appear to be much more complex, logical and intellectually acceptable than the combined hocus-pocus of doctor and priest would have us think, if this communication with Andolo is valid. Let the dominant lesson of this chapter be that all who seek to contact beings by extra-sensory means may not be spacemen at all, at least as they have been depicted as tall, handsome, with long golden hair and no dental caries. Along with beings who are supremely wise and beneficent, there are those who are malevolent and malicious, and those who may not live by any standard of values we could comprehend. ADVENTURES IN THE DESERT. Before the original booklet "Spacemen - Friends and Foes" was published, I had arranged to make a visit to the Mojave Desert, (north-east of Los Angeles), to try and get some photographs of spacecraft. In those days I had not even begun to fully comprehend the significance of the information I had been given, and fondly imagined that Ashtar and his men would come down in their craft, become visible, I would photograph them, and that would be that. It was not that easy. Although it took me many months to realize it, the Etheric forces probably do not have the power to manifest at our frequency level without the aid witting or unwitting of some person here. At the time I set my mind on the photographic project, Ashtar indicated that it would be difficult, but the paucity of my own knowledge undoubtedly prevented him from explaining exactly why it would be difficult. On our first trip to the desert, Aug. 18, 1956, my friend Jim Woods and I were a splendid pair of ignoramuses and we are appalled today by our own conceit in thinking that we were in just weekend to lay bare the whole UFO mystery. Ashtar suggested that I be on the alert for an indication of where to turn off the road to Victorville, but I did not attach much importance to this. the engine overheated badly. in removing the radiator cap my hand was flung aside and a geyser of dirty, boiling, acid- charged water shot into the air. I was caught on the right side of the face by this jet and suffered a bad scald on forehead, cheek, nose and eye area. I thought it best to abandon the trip and return to Los Angeles. We had dinner in my apartment, a painful process for me up until 8:30 p.m. , the time of our pre-arranged contact with Ashtar on the desert. In the ten minutes following 8:30 p.m. all sensation of pain completely left my face, to the point where I did not know I had been burned. I also felt a great renewal of strength, a surge of energy and power. I was even able to bang my knuckles against the burnt portion of my face without any sensation of pain. We both felt ourselves imbued with the desire to go to the desert again in spite of the fact that we had already driven over a hundred miles that day. We made a point of prayers again and set off again in very high spirits. SPACEMAN, FRIEND OR FOE? Driving out beyond Victorville some nine or ten miles down the Lucerne Valley road we saw a red light light swinging in the sky above us. We stopped the car, pulled over to the side of the road and turned off both lights and engine. Through 12-power binoculars the object appeared to be hovering and dancing up and down slightly. We studied it for a few minutes and were about to move on after chalking up an "indefinite" when our attention was drawn to a monstrous cluster of colored lights moving across in front of us on the same bearings as the swinging light. Through the glasses this cluster of lights revealed itself to be a large cylindrical shaped craft with red, green and white lights on it. I estimated its altitude at roughly 7,000 feet, and it moved dead ahead to dead astern and out of sight in about 30 seconds. It was noiseless. We were stunned by what we had seen. I thought it was probably a carrier craft of some kind, probably from six to eight times the size of a DC6 airliner. We were certain it was an out-of- this worlder when a B36 or similar heavy bomber lumbered over at a greater altitude and the beat of its engines was clearly audible. After about an hour of driving down the road to Yucca Valley (which would have put them in the general area of George Van Tassel's Giant Rock airport and the Integratron) I thought I detected a change in the beat of the engine. A few minutes later I was sure of it as the car began to slow down and the throttle began to close under unseen control. I floored the gas pedal but the engine would not respond. a gentle force on my arms turned the car to the roadside. Jim spied a small road going off at a sharp angle from the main road. As late as two months ago we had a great deal of difficulty locating this road in broad daylight. That we should have come to a halt beside it at 1:30 a.m. in pitch darkness is certainly more than remarkable. Under control again I backed up and launched the car on this bumpy side road for perhaps half a mile when we saw a wash with low hills around it, completely screened from the main road. A contact with Ashtar was next and his voice seemed tinged with amusement as he said: "It was with some trepidation that we discovered you at the appointed contact time at your home in Los Angeles and in pain from a burn on your face. An etheric force was utilized to withdraw pain from the burn and make it possible for you to come here." He went on to tell us that we should be watchful around the dawn hour and gave us the name of the Spaceman who would be controlling the craft. But, for the rest of Constable's story, you will have to read the book itself, as Riley Crabb's tenure as editor ended with this issue, and the continuing excerpts were not continued.