We pick up the recorded interview
in Herminio's words:
txt up-red on link here |
(Herminio had been a Jehova
withess pastor for many years, and was well eduacated- and
the investigator here; Rudolfo R. Casellato, writes the
withness here seemed to be very honest, and credible, and
after this adventure, he has got a bigger view on God, the
universe, and religion).
"Bianca and I were travelling
from Rio de Janeiro to Belo Horizonte on a highway that
connects both capitals. When we were close to the city of
Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais, and also near
the city of Mathias Barbosa, which is before the city of
Juiz de Fora, I began to feel very sleepy.(map at the bottom
at this site) I told Bianca I
am going to stop the car here in order to rest for a while.
I am going to close my eyes for 15 or 20 minutes because I
am so tired. And I did that. My car was a Karman Ghia,
1965, yellow color, and this was on January 12th, 1976.
"it was night time, about
11:30 at night, and I stooped the car on the shoulder of the
highway and reclined myself in the seat and fell right to
sleep. Bianca was awake and smoking as she looked ahead up
the road. I had told her not to sleep because we might sleep
too long and I had a very important meeting in Belo
Horizonte, and I should be there in the morning. So she
should wake me in 20 minutes and we would proceed with the
trip. I always did that, stopping along the road to sleep
for a little while, and I always travelled during the night
because I liked to drive at night. I also needed the day for
work. At that time I was also selling the Encyclopedia
Brittanica. I was going to meet friends in Belo Horizonte
"Bianca later told me how
everything started. She said that she saw a light in the
sky, and that light was moving from one side to the other,
like a hot air balloon. (In Brasil people rnake hot air
balloons of silk paper with a candle or wad of oil-soaked
rag inside to heat the air) We used to live in Rio where
people release balloons like this the year round. As Bianca,
if I was wake I also would have considered it a balloon. I -
or we, never thought that flying saucers existed, or
extra-terrestrials and their spacecraft. I was a Pastor of
the Jehova's Witnesses Church, and as pastor and head of the
congregation, I would not have accepted any idea of the
existence of other life in other worlds, no matter who told
"It so happened that the light
was getting closer to the car, and Bianca was disturbed by
the luminosity in the sky. She found that "balloon"
beautiful, and suddenly had the impression that it fell
because the light went out. and that was all. Then suddenly
she saw a glow
the ground, like a lightning flash, ahead and to her right,
but out of the road, and she thought it might be a
short-circuit in the high tension lines along the road there.
She was concentrating on the light when she saw a black

the shape of the craft that took
the whole car into a bigger mothership was something like
this acc. to the drawing in the book - but picture here is
not from the book!
The night was dark
but she could still see something coming from the sky, and
passing directly over the car! At that point she screamed,
and that scream woke me up. It was a scream of terror! 'Herminio,
an airplane is going to fall on the car,' Bianca screamed! I
woke up frightened, and at that moment I was paralyzed in
position. I was trying to get out of the car and I was
paralyzed in that position. I tried to overcome the power
but was helpless.
I was completely
paralyzed,... feeling a strange sensation, like everything
inside me wanted to come out of my mouth. The sensation that
I felt at that moment was like an elevator trip at high
velocity. I do not remember how long that took. I can only
say that everything stopped as quickly as it started. My
movements were free again and normal. Suddenly it was no
longer night, but like I was under the sun in daylight. I
was under a light like the mid-day sun, and I was no longer
on the road, and was still in my car! We were all inside a
round room, where the light a luminous light, was coming
from the wall sides. It was like if I was inside a light
bulb, but the only place that was not illuminated was the
ceiling. In the ceiling was a large apparatus that looked
like an exhaust ventilator. And we were frightened. What
could this be? I want to leave the car but Bianca is holding
me saying, 'Don't go out', and she was crying. I was
frightened and my heart was beating very hard. I could never
think that I was being kidnapped, and I don't know if this
is the correct word, but kidnapped by a flying saucer,
because I was not a person that would be attracted to this
type of studies, about saucers and ETs, because I was
completely ignorant in this respect. And Bianca also, like
me, was ignorant on the subject.
"Besides the apparatus I saw
on the ceiling, there were also smaller appliances around
the room. And there was a curious thing ahead of us, and I
could see it from my seat inside the car. A stair, aluminium
color, went up in a curve, ending on the top of the ceiling
of the room we were in. But there was no opening, so why
would it end in the ceiling? Start from the floor and end in
the ceiling, and it was not in a spiral but a gentle curve
going up. We were there sitting in the car and looking at
that room, worried. I was trying to calm Bianca, telling her
that it could be possible that we were being taken by
Americans -- american Scientists -- or Russians, and
possibly we were mistaken for somebody, like scientists, or
something like that, and possibly when they would find out
their mistake they would release us, and let us go. Maybe we
were not the important persons they were looking for. A
confusion must have been made some-place. But we could never
stop thinking that we were inside something that came from
the sky, like a flying saucer! So, Sr. Casellato, at the top
of that stair, in the ceiling, a hole was suddenly visible,
like a round covering was open, and we were upset wondering
what would come through that hole!
Rodolfo-(the interviewer) Was there
anybody in that room beside you?
Herminio- No. We were alone inside
the car and the apartus was all around us, and in that
beautiful illumination. Suddenly a man started coming down
the stair, and after him another one! Two men were coming
down, and they seemed to talk with someone that was on the
upper floor from where they came. It seemed that somebody
was asking them a question, and they would respond and
answer. That would mean there should be another room beside
the one we were in at that moment. And then they came up
close to us. We saw that they were two men, very tall, a
little over 2.0 meters tall. They were wearing white
overalls, and they were coming up to us while they were
talking. They were smiling, with beautiful white teeth. The
skin was like a bronze color, and I thought what kind of
people are they?
Germans? Russians? Or what race
were they? I also noticed when they came closer that that
skin color I had never seen before. They were very beautiful
people, with large green eyes, oblique, but the eyes were
positioned a little different from our own. Our eyes end at
the side of the head in a point. But their eyes were just
the opposite. The point was close to the nose and not at the
side of the head. They looked like oriental eyes, but in
reverse. We see oriental eyes pulled to the sides, but
theirs was reversed and pulled to the front, towards the
nose, and the round end was at the side of the head. They
were very nice looking. They had nice long black hair, worn
to the neck,
and neatly cut horizontally across
the bottom. While they were approaching, I noticed that
their coverall was brilliant, giving the impression that the
color would change with the ambient light. When they came
closer, I started talking and cursing them, and trying to
start a fight, and yelling at them, 'Who are you people!
What do you want with us? Why did you do this? Where are we?'
And I was gesturing and insisting in more questions and more
questions still.
Rodolfo- What kind of language did
they speak?
Herminio- I will come to that.
T'hey were talking in a language very similar to French, at
least it sounded like that to me, seemed to be close to it.
I don't speak French but I know the meaning of some words
and I know when I hear it. I saw that it was like French,
but it was not French... One of them went behind my car and
the other went to the right side of the car and made a
gesture to Bianca to get out of the car, which she did
helped by me because the door on her side would get stuck
and I had to hit it with my hand to open it. My car was an
old one, and I had the impression that he already understood
that because he helped me open the door. When Bianca was
getting out he took her arm, and without waiting for an
invitation I went out the door on my side and was taken by
the hand of the other one who had gone around the back of
the car. I hit his hand trying to make him let go. I am not
too tall, so I was near the height of his belly button. I
was feeling like a dwarf, and that strong warm hand
was holding my arm, and I was trying to get myself free from
him with no success. I had the impression that he was
holding us in the air. And so in this way we were going in
the direction of a hole that was in the floor behind the car.
We went down by a stair, and then I understood why they were
holding us all the time. It was because we could not feel
the ground (floor)!!!
Rodolfo- Does that mean you were
skidding on the floor?
Herminio- No. We were light, very light, and could not walk
normally. I had the impression that we were like stepping
and not finding the step.
Rodolfo- Loss of equilibrium?
Herminio- Yes, exactly, loss of
equilibrium. You step on the ground but you don't feel it ..
.even though you are
on the ground. Up to now there was
nothing about flying saucers, nothing about ..... I thought
at that moment that they were people from here, that they
had gotten us by mistake and were going to do some
experiment with us. And there I really became afraid,
because they were people completely umknown to us. And in my
mind I was connected to God, with Jehova, and I thought I
was having a bad dream, something bad, that could not be
real, and I wanted to wake up from this situation! As soon
as we got down we reached a metal floor, and I was looking
up, looking at where I came from, and I looked around. I had
the lmpression that we were in a hangar, also round but very
big, maybe the size of a city block, real big one... And
there, there were many objects, like the same one from which
we were taken, and there were smaller and bigger craft also.
But in the center there was a bigger one!
Rodolfo- In the form of a discus?...
Herminio- No, they were more like
fire-fighter hats, higher in the middle. It was like the
discs (UFOs) that are usually seen today, but the upper part
was much taller. There were no windows, but in certain parts
of the craft we could see outside. From the outside you
can't see in but from the inside we were able to see out,
but as mentioned, only from certain parts of the ship, in a
place that looked like a windshield.
Rodolfo- What color was this window?
And the craft?
Herminio- They were a little
different from the rest of the wall, but it was dull, like
the other parts inside, and the color was like a lead color.
I did not have a chance to come closer but saw it from a
distance. The ships looked from outside like they were made
from aluminium.... From outside we could see that it was
like aluminium in color, but in these places that I call
win-dows the aluminium was a little lighter color, so we
were able to distinguish it. Outside, in the outer part, the
round part, when they start to depart, a ring, where there
is another ring that looks like it is made of crystal, clear
crystal, they became incandescent...
Rodolfo- Is it clear as crystal.
Herminio- I do not know if it like
a crystal... look like crystal? is crystal. It is clear that
the ring is like
the energy collector, they said
that this mechanism that they called a "montagem"
(assembly), collects electrons from the air, the electrons
that come from our sun, and the electrons charge the
batteries, and the batteries take the electrons to the
engines of the ship. That is why when they come close to a
car, it lose all its electrical power, and when going over a
city it makes the city go dark, because they use all the
electrons that are in the wires, and they suck up all the
energy, electrical energy that is made by electrons. When
they come close, or fly low, it is like they take that
energy with them...
Rodolfo- Did you travel in one of
those machines?
Herminio- I told you that. I was
taken by one of the machines, and that one went into a
bigger machine, that I now know is called a mother-ship. I
did not see the mother-ship from outside; and I did not walk
through it while I was there inside. This is a drawing I am
making so you can see how it was. It was landed on three
supports like this... (sketching). I am not a
good artist but this will give you an idea of the shape of
the ship. From the "hangar" we went to a wall and
a door opened like the doors you see in a super market, or
airports, opened to the sides, in two parts, one goes to the
left and the other to the right at the same time. When we
were walking to the wall I saw no door and I was upset, then
the wall opened up and we got into an elevator there.
Something like we already know here.
When the door opened again we came out into a room, of a
squared shape, filled with apparatus, and they were ugly.
They were the same color as the walls. We had the impression
that the room was empty, but it was filled with these
apparatus. They were spread out and joined to the walls, and
now the light was not coming from the walls, but from the
ceiling, like the sunlight and Must as brilliant, but with
no central light focus or source. And interestingly, there
were some seats that did not look like the kind we are
accustomed to. They were not similar to our chairs or
lounges, but were like two cylinders, round and tall. They
made us sit there, and when we sat there it felt very soft,
very sensitive and after you sat or while you were sitting
they took the form of your body and then is transformed into
lounge and they followed your
movements whether you shifted left or right or lay back. If
you lay down it is a bed. But our feet did not touch the
floor because they were tall. Possibly they were made for
them being such tall people and not for us who were like
dwarfs compared to them.
"It was there that they
performed on us many kinds of physical examinations. They
passed an instrument the size of your recorder (a
mini-recorder) through our arms and it felt like the hair on
the skin stood up. At that moment we felt a kind of
anesthesia or numbness, and the instrument was taking some
readings but I don't know what they were. Later they used an
apparatus like a looking glass that was made like a tube,
like the one an ophthalmologist uses to look into your eyes
(possibly a light conducting glass rod. or some kind of
fibre-oMic type viewing instrument). When he used this
apparatus I had the impression that he would press a button
and the whole instrument glowed with red light, and the
light was the same color as the energy collector that I
mentioned before. And he was looking with this inside our
eyes, like as if he could see behind our eyes into our
brains and parts inside, or maybe' he was examining our eye
structure. He did not say what he was doing so I do not
know... Later, they placed us inside a transparent box that
seemed to be made of glass. First they put Bianca inside it,
through a door that opened in one of the sides. There were
two red lights that emitted a di-fuse red light, one in the
top and one in the side, but I did not see what they showed.
After Bianca was put inside the box it started turning
red... and Bianca was bathed in that red light on all sides.
From outside I could hardly see Bianca inside... I could
only see her shadow inside, and I became desperate...
Rodolfo- And how was Bianca feelinq?
Herminio- I don't know. She was
standing there inside, standing still... I did not know what
was happening because very little could I see of what was
happening to her. I tried to get up and get closer to the
box, and to save Bianca, because I thought she might be
getting fried or baked alive... or killing her because the
light was the color of fire. One of these beings placed his
hand over my shoulder and kept me there seated….
page 145 continues)
And I was talking
without interruption, very nervous with fear, and very
frightened. Because at that time I came to the conclusion
that we were inside of a "flying saucer". I had
told Bianca before that if we were inside a flying saucer we
would never get back home! And according to the little I had
heard about them, people picked up by them would end up
crazy. That's what some people said of these things. By now
I was certain that I was inside one of these machines, but I
was not sure if they really were from another planet...
because, according to what I had learned from the Bible,
life originated here on Earth, and that is what I also used
to teach... that life had originated here from Adam and Eve,
and never in space!
"Well after
some time the light was diminishing, till everything was
clear again and they had Bianca removed and she was allright,
and then they put me inside and then I knew what that red
light does to the body. The light paralizes you, and besides
that, all the hair on your body stands up and you have the
impression that you and your whole body gets bigger, swollen
and the whole body goes into a nameless condition. There is
a high point and then it starts diminishing until it is
completely gone and you are back in your normal state. They
open the door and you get out and they do not explain
anything. Until that moment was not answered to me anything
despite the fact that I was always asking them questions...
And I came to the conclusion that they did not understand
what I was saying, and we did not understand what they were
saying. Later, they touched my chest with another apparatus,
and then the bottom of that thing came out and hit my chest
and I became unconscious, I blanked out...
Bianca told me
later that, after that one of them left, and she was
standing there alone with the other one, and me unconscious.
Bianca was crying desperately because she thought I was
killed and were dead! He seemed to understand the
nervousness and desperation of Bianca. She wished to come
closer to me but he would not let her. He was making a
gesture to her by putting his fingers close to his nose and
breathing heavily, trying to make her understand that I was
alive! Bianca was not comforted and was not satisfied by his
explanations and was still very nervous. It was then that he
took a small apparatus and pointing it at objects items
inside that room, would make them fly close to the face of
Bianca, and make them float and perform manoeuvres there in
the air. He smiled and seemed to want to call Bianca's
attention to these effects so she would stop worrying about
me. Soon I started removing, showing that I was alive, and I
tried to sit up, and at that moment I was conscious of
everything that was happening. When the being that left
before returned to the room, they came close to me and
Bianca and took now Bianca by the arm and me by the hand,
and took us to another room where the walls looked like they
were made of polished silver. There were enormous machines
inside that room. It was a very silent place, almost
impossibly silent! A feeling of peace and tranquillity.
Rodolfo- A mystic
Herminio- I don't
know if it was mystic or not.. .1 could not even think or
rationalize on that... Again they have us seated in lounges
of the same type as before, and now they are telling me by
signs that they are going to put some equipment on our heads,
which they then proceeded to do, a helmet filled with wires
and little lights. They put these things on me and Bianca.
They also put on our arms an apparatus like a large bracelet.
It was connected to something by wires. Then they seated
them-selves in other seats. I was facing Bianca and they
were facing both of us. At our sides there was a big
equipment console that went from floor to ceiling, covered
also with lights, indicators, and other things of that kind,
and also what looked like buttons and knobs. I do not know
what they were for. And then a third person came into the
room, because until that moment I only knew two people. The
third took a look at us and went to the machine connecting
all the cables that were around on the floor. He connected
the cables to the machine that was at our side. He also
connected the big bracelet that we had, with wires, to
another small box that was at one side. With Bianca he did
the same thing. He took the wires that were coming from her
helmet and connected them to the two extraterrestrial's
helmets, and then he left saying nothing to anybody. But I
noticed something interesting. They look as if they were all
twins, they all looked the same! There was only a
slight difference between them. One may be a little taller
than the other. Later I was to find that they were all like
that, because they are all of one race only. On their planet
there is only one race and one type of people. They call
their planet Terra (like we call our Earth in Portugese
After the third man
left they started talking to each other. One of them had a
large aparatus on his lap, that he was working on, like a
calculator, with an old style adding machine, filled with a
lot of small lights. He was working with this machine while
talking to the other. Colored lights went on and off as he
was talking and operating that machine on his lap. Here on
Earth he would be considered a vary fast typist by the way
he was operating the machine. While he was typing on that
machine lights would light up in the helmet on his head, and
in the one on the other also, and in the machine beside us
the lights were running fast. A blue light like an electric
welder's torch would also shoot through the console and we
were enchanted by the beauty of the lights. Suddenly Bianca
said to me, 'now, they are talking to me.' But I was not
hearing anything and I said, 'Why aren't they talking to me
also? What are they telling you?' ..
He had directed his
attention to Bianca and was talking to her, and I heard
Bianca saying, 'Thank you, thank you, and who are you?' But
I could not hear the answers. I could only see Bianca's head
nodding, meaning that she was understanding what they were
saying. Then he made a signal to Bianca meaning that he was
going to stop, and directed his attention to me. Then
suddenly I heard in my ears (the helmets had a bulge in the
side like earphones) and I heard a voice in Portugese saying
to me, 'Be welcome,' and I was surprised by this. I did not
handle myself as calmly as Bianca. She looked calm. I do not
remember if I answered his greeting. I didn't know what to
do. I felt a blank in my mind, a kind of confusion.
That came to my
mind since I was a very religious man who would not believe
in "flying saucers", and a man who thought that
the flying saucers were not from heaven, but something that
came from the devil; the first thing that came to my mind
was to ask him, 'who are you? ...And he answered, 'I am
And Immediately I
asked him, 'Karran, from where, from what nation?' And he
answered. 'From no nation!!' 'How no nation?... From another
planet?' And then the answer was positive. 'Yes, from
another land.'
How?... From
another land?'
I asked... 'How
from another land! If the Bible does not say anything about
Karran- 'We are
from other land, and from a distance not known yet to the
men of your land...
Herminio- And
suddenly the facts from the Bible came to my mind and I
thought I was talking with the devil himself, and I started
to exorcise, 'In the name of Jesus I want you to be gone!...'
And I raised my voice eloquently and I started throwing over
him all my knowledge, my biblical knowledge, and I was
thinkinq that all this was a vision, that it was not real,
and that it was prepared by the devil himself, and I started
to exorcise again. I was quoting bible texts. I involved the
name of Jesus, and so on, and so on, until I emptied all my
knowledge about the subject! and my voice was going lower
and low..... and I was looking to him and him looking at me,
without any interferrence.
He never stopped me.
He let me speak until the end of my voice... until I was w
then I stopped. And he kept looking at me silently and
probing my thoughts. Then there was a deep silence, and then
I heard his voice talking to me in my own language, in
Karran- 'I am
Karran. Did you finish?...'
Herminio- 'Yes!'
And then he asked....
Karran- 'Do all the
people in your land think like you?..'
Herminio- 'No!...'
And then deep within myself, I said to myself, 'How stupid I
am! How stupid I am!!' And in that moment I felt sorry for
myself. I felt sorry for not knowing before things relating
to Ufos and extraterrestrial beings, or even science
fictions. I was not a person interested in this subject and
was never interested... and that hurt me in some way. As you
see, Casellato, I went over him with Bible facts, and
everything, and I asked him, 'Is there religion in your
land, where you come from?' . Because I was a religious man
and I had to know if he was a religious man like myself! And
I asked him again, 'Is there religion in your land?' and he
Karran- 'There is
no need for religion. We do not have need for religion.'
(He was speaking in
his language, but the machine was translating it into
Portugese for our ears, and when we talked the machine would
instantly translate it into his language and he would hear
the translation in his own language.)
Herminio- 'But the
Bible? Don't you have a bible?.. There there is the word of
And he said that he
knew of that document, that we call Bible, from people from
our earth... I found this strange, but since I was not aware
of all the facts... I continued to ask about If he ever saw
and if he had ever come close to the presence of god... And
if God is in a shape like us... Well, you see, a man like me,
who has been teaching all about God for twelve years... was
there asking of a stranger... asking everything about God
from somebody that was saying that he has no religion... And
I suddenly felt, from the way he was speaking, that he had a
knowledge about God that I could never imagine or think! He
taught me not to believe in the existence of any. But he had
transmitted to me -- a knowledge about God that I could
never think of!! He taught me not to believe in the
existence of God... But the way to feel his existence, HIS
So he was saying that they love Him and respect
Him by the ground that you step on, and he showed me the
floor, and we also walk on; by the air that you breathe, and
that we also breathe; and by the water that you drink, and
we too... And he continued to say that everything that you
do, whether to watch and admire or to feed yourself, dress,
everything comes from the supreme creator, and it is through
all these things that we love him and respect him... And
that the answer that I want to know about God was never
answered to any living being here on this planet, or to any
other living being on any other planet, and that these are
answers that nobody has - who is God and where is He... or
how He really is...
And our
conversation was extending itself into religion. He returned
many times to talk with Bianca, and I could hear Bianca
asking questions but could not hear the answers, because
they would talk, like on different channels. When he spoke
and gave answers to Bianca I could not hear. The same
happened when he spoke to me, Bianca could not hear it. I
had the impression that he wanted us to talk to him. And
before he spoke all of this to me, he said that I should
calm and be tranquil. because we would be returning to our
land (soon), and it was then that I asked him, where were we,
and he said that the place where we were wasn't important.
What was important was where we had come from! That was the
matter of importance for them. I also asked other questions
about their planet, how they live, and we had a very
interesting talk about that.
Because they all
seem to be of the same age, I asked him if they grow old as
we do, and he said that their age is not related to the age
of matter, and I found that strange -- that they do not get
old.. They do not calculate the time as we do; or the time
of an existence. To illustrate, he said that he was older
than the oldest ancestor of Bianca! That means he would have
to be over 500 - 1,000 years old. And
he looked young, like an age of 25 years...
Herminio- - Do they
look like they exist physically, like us.
Yes, They were as
physical as we are on this plane, and he was telling me that
they know a process in wich they can keep the cells of
matter, or our body, alive and renewing for a long, long
time; and that they also separate from matter, like we
separate from matter, but it takes a much longer time than
for us, and what we call death they call a separation frem
They said that when
matter (corporeal matter) reaches a certain stage, when the
cells are no longer able to rejuvenate or reproduce
themselves, and when they do not have more reasons to
continue alive, that they leave the body and the matter is
destroyed. And then they return into a new body, in the body
of a newborn (infant) by the same process as we do, by
sexual reproduction, though they have other processes also,
but the normal process of reproduction, the original process,
is the most perfect that exists, and it is the correct
process. And when the new matter is prepared (corporeal
matter) it is transfused with the old body knowledge so that
all the kwowledge before, is maintained forever and they do
not lose their previous consciousness. They said that we
same thing happens to us. The
only thing that is different is that we are not conscious of
the fact.
We kept talking
till the moment that he wanted to know about my faith, in
what I believed and do not believe. That was when we talked
about our spirit... I was telling him that my religion
taught that in the event of death or loss of the body, we
would not be alive like a spirit, or as a soul or energy,
and at the time of death the body would be destroyed, but
the memories of our life lived as a human being, and the
good accowlished and good actions, and the will of God,
would be engraved in the God-memory, and we would await the
noment of resurrection, and then God would make a new body
of matter again and would incarnate in that body the
previous personality and make it come to life again. I was
telling this to him, that this was taught by my religion.
Rodolfo- And what
did he say?
Herninio- He said
that he would not tell me about that matter. He said the
matter (corporeal) of your body could not answer anything
without any real presence, and he was tellinq me that I
should know myself, that I should get out of my body in
order to have the awareness of the spiritual being that we
all are, including him, himself. That we lost that type of
consciousness including other registers of knowledge,
because of a cosmic accident. That accident was responsible
for our separation and prevented the interchange that
existed between many races. We have suffered from that lack
of interchange due to the accident with planet Earth. That
accident affected not only our planet, but also all in the
system. It was affected by the excess radiation that came
from our sun. Karran said that in a time already lost in the
ages our sun gave out many solar explosions on a large scale,
and the explosions generated a great energywave that blew up
the protective systems of our planet. A system of radiation
filters was broken. And these excesses of radiation in
pulsating waves, has pushed our planet from its original
position in space, and at the same time the earth suffered
an acceleration in its movements, and shifted its own axis.
An overflow of sea waters in great tidal waves reached high
levels and cities and habitation centers that existed here
before. And the seas destroying these life centers seriously
damaged this planet, destroying almost everything that was
here... at that time. (Same told by in some of the
rampa-books - study them on lobsang-rampa.net rø-remark)
But the major consequence of that
were not the material damage, but the excess of radiation
penetrating the matter body of the arrivals. He said that
the brain activity was diminished and we lost our ....... We
lost the register of knowledge of ourselves, we lost the
knowledge of ourselves and we became brutes, aggressive...
We became like ....... And he said that the excess of
radiation created a magnetic barrier between this system and
their system, and they could not get through that barrier,
and that it took almost 3,000 years (of our time) till they
could come through again. They did not come through during
that time because of the excess radiation, which was
damaging to them.
"Something that I found very
interesting, Casellato, he said that a strong register (memory)
was kept very strong in the minds of the people of this
planet, by the survivors. He said two registers were alive
in the minds of the people. One was a natural register that
is very strong, and even the solar radiation did not destroy
It was greatly diminished but not
erased. And the other is in trauma. That is the register of
God existence, of a Creator, of Something Superior. Even
with their minds fogged by their diminished brain activities,
by the lack of activity in memory, man looks for God. As a
result of this trauma, every time they approached the
inhabitants of this planet they were received as if they
were Gods and were adored as Gods come from Heaven (the sky)
They were persecuted by others, and sometimes attacked, in
fear as a result of the trauma. He said that we are
descendents of 11 other races that came from many of the
inhabited planets, and came to our Earth. And I am going to
use a word that I don't much like --They colonized,
they built inhabited centers here. Each race had its
own way of living, their own technology, but they lived in
peace with each other. The Earth was then in its own correct
position, which did not offer danger to the minds of the
"And he said that many of
these races disappeared --after that accident, the cosmic
accident. And after all this a new 12th race emerged in this
Rodolfo- Did they mix their own
race with us? Was there any race here at that time?
Herminio- No, there was no other
race here at that time.
They supplied the
matter for the new race, in order for a new race to be
formed here, but a few people survived, so we may say that
there were some people here. He said that the races that
were here at the beginning of the accident expected that
craft would arrive in the sky, and would take them away frem
this planet, but they did not know, or were not conscious of
the magnetic barrier that existed at that time which
originated from the solar activity and prohibited the
outsiders frwn coming in. Help could not come in and the
people who were here could not get out. And that expectation,
that salvation would come from the sky, was registered in
the minds even till today... You may note this in all the
religions of Earth. And they teach that we will depart to
the sky...
"And he
continued, saying that this is deeply engraved in our
memories, and we still hope today that they will come to
save us from this Earth, that they will come to solve our
problems, and to remove us from here. All the religions, he
said, in one way or another teach something like that. They
teach us that when we die we go to Heaven (the sky), and
that Jesus will come from Heaven (again the sky), and will
take us to Heaven. Some say that we are exiled from other
planets, that we are here to pay for our sins, and so on.
The theories are many. Perhaps they do agree in some
respects with what Karran said... about that...
"When we
returned to Earth we found that we had been missing for two
days, which we were not even aware of. We had talked a lot
with Karran. He taught us many new things. We were feeling,
and still feel, like we had taken a trip into the future
where we saw and touched things, marvelous things, fantastic
things. And then we returned to the past, and the past is
our present, in which we are living now... and we can do
almost nothing about it. We are plagued with a burning
question.. Why?
Why? We know a few
things. We know how to do a few things. I teach those
techniques in this school, here in Sao Paulo. We teach
people to know themselves, because they said that the
elevation of the consciousness of man on this planet, is
going to bring us closer to them. It would not be a military
contact. It would not be a government to government contact,
nor from people to people, but
a contact with a humanity thinking with a different head,
thinking the way they think.
(interpreted as
with people incarneated here - WHO UNDERSTAND THIS, AND
sound-mp3-file where
Wendelle talks about this contact
youtubeinterview on this case where
Wendelle Stevens talks
this mp3file up is
made from those:
wendelle stevens soundtalk on this case:
part1 |
part2 |
plus this |
Another remarkable case in Botucatu
Intro - we know from esp. " UFO
Abduction At Botucatu" that much ufo activity seemed to be ongong
there in that region. Here another case some years ahead of that other,
in that same city in Brazil. And so one could speculate if this early
visit there, was a kind of prepartion for those that happend later…?