{{Pause=2}} CHAPTER 22 {{PAUSE=1}}Other Civilizations {{Pause=2}} [From notes made early on in the contacts in 1974.] Our Galaxy, that which you call Andromeda, moves toward your solar system, a characteristic that other galaxies do not have. This approach facilitates the proximity by which other civilizations travel to your galaxy, above all in the following years. You will be surprised to know that in the outskirts of our galaxy may be found thousands of stars similar to those of your planetary system. There are examples of systems that like yours engender life, though some of diverse manifestations. Our world is in that which you call Beta Andromeda, but due to the density of planetary mass, some of them move like enormous anti-energy shields by which you cannot detect and identify exactly our radio waves. Our galaxy approaches yours because it already is reaching greater velocity in it's movement. Other galaxies are slower due to the weight of their planetary systems. There are stars so dense (heavy) that they themselves brake the gravitory movement of the whole system, slowing the advance in their orbits. Our radio waves continue to travel through space. Some times they do not reach your system. Because of this you have not been able to detect such radio waves, the same as with those emitted through a universal mathematical interpretation code, which the more advanced civilizations can identify adequately. The voyage of these waves through space passes through civilizations of elemental knowledge, rudimentary in their investigations. You have advanced considerably professor. And look, that could indicate than you are developing authentically, to come to detect not only these radio waves, but great movements of entire galaxies. Great civilizations are found on the opposite side of your galaxy. They have on various occasions already come to your world. They are like elder brothers to you, but their technological advance is not as progressed as some other inhabited planets. They are a thousand years in advance, scientifically, of yourselves... but not as advanced as in other universes. It taxes them two cycles of arc to come to your world. This is because they must pass through worlds in expansion, stars in formation, rains of aerolites, as well as of highly civilized planets who observe the passage of flotillas in peace and harmony and repel those that cannot be identified. Some civilizations travel in space without taking into account all of these dangers. Our sensors inform us about the proximity of inhabited worlds and alterations in space by changes in the movements of the bodies. This allows us to detect the slightest pebble, though we must trust it much. We have traveled through worlds in extinction. Well then; let us speak of those civilizations that are on the opposite side of your galaxy. They are not in accord with the system that you carry, and the development and the application of your laws and limitations worries them. They know perfectly well that other civilizations visit you, and that they are different and can come from distinct parts of not only your galaxy, but of others, and of other systems also. "And these waves of energy of which you speak, are they already detected by my world?' "Of course, and due to the complexity of the system of information, they spend many years translating it. "The Russians who have detected them know that the radio signals come from an intelligent source because of the conformation of the emissions, but they are late in identifying them. The Japanese also detected the radio waves, but due to the linguistic structure of theirs it is a little more difficult than with the Russians. According to the mass of the bodies, they stimulate the advance of the radio waves toward energetic states (stars) for which, upon being attracted by the sun, are captured as well on your world. You yourselves have confirmed that the increase of mass due to velocity is relative. Because of that, the radio waves can only be captured weakly in some parts of the universe and clearly in another part more distant. Also in this are included enormous networks of energy that surround the systems, through which no waves can pass. When the waves are sufficient to complement a fissionable material they can provoke a chain reaction. It develops that according to the states of capture of energy that is found dispersed in the universe, capturing the signal and the "retrofeed" by which it continues traveling through the universe, is done in the same manner as the travel of light until it encounters a rebound, though I tell you that light, as an energetic element travels with more speed than radio waves. Many times the ships that travel in the universe can capture them and upon receiving them send replies, the same having to have the same mathematic codifier as the origin. Many of our ships have a special microsensor to receive these waves, measure their wavelength, where they have traveled through space, from what civilization or group they come, and in what part of the universe they are located. ' "And those civilizations that are found on the other side of the Milky Way (or our galaxy), are they also interested in us (the Earth)?" I asked. "Many civilizations who know your location are moved by curiosity to know the advances of planets like yours, and with frequency they investigate and collect knowledge through a universal participation with other civilizations. But there exist other races who come in the peace of authentic sentiment. Some time in the future we will speak more on this theme. "Why not now?" She looked pensive as she responded: "I don't know if I have authorization." {{PAUSE=2}}