From Part 40 – p216 in book AFTERLIFE of Barry Eaton. Brian Visits His Earthly Home So much had happened to Brian since he had left his shattered body on that miserable battlefield but he was still concerned about his family back on earth. His guilt over leaving them must have been obvious, because Markus appeared to tell Brian he was now able to return to his family in spirit form. So, the time had come for Brian to see how things were on earth since his passing. In my regression I was shown a bleak old day when Markus accompanied Brian on a visit to Devon. The journey back was a lot different to Brian's crossing over to the afterlife. There was no tunnel experience; he and Markus were just able to materialize on earth when they put their minds to it. It was now the winter of 1918, more than two earth years since Brian died. The war had just ended and his wife Jenny was on a train heading north with their son Simon. Jenny looked pale and sickly, and had obviously been through troubling times in the last two years. Brian had the sensation of floating near the roof of the carriage, as he observed Jenny and Simon. It was amazing how more than two years had slipped by, as it felt like only a few weeks since he had passed over. He felt guilty that he hadn't been back to see them in such a long time, especially when Jenny had been suffering. Markus reminded Brian that as there is no time on the other side, what seems a few weeks can often see years pass on earth. By this stage Brian, feeling confused with the whole experience, lapsed into silence. But Markus explained he had been keeping an eye on Brian's family, along with Jenny's guide, so was able to quickly bring him up-to-date and reassure him. After the events in France, Jenny had gone to live with a cousin in Taunton, as she could not afford to stay in their village in Devon. However, her cousin only had a small place, and as it was very cramped this wasn't a long-term solution. Jenny's parents had both passed over some years beforehand, but at least she still had her mother's sister, Maude, who then insisted that Jenny come to live with her and her husband Tom. Tom and Maude lived in a village on the outskirts of Liverpool and had no children of their own, so there was plenty of space for Jenny and Simon. When the war ended Tom had secured a good position in the office of a Liverpool flourmill. With so many young men buried on the battlefields, women were now filling all sorts of roles in the workforce, so Tom managed to get a job for Jenny at the mill. After the long and arduous train trip, Jenny and Simon were met at the railway station by these two generous people. For the first time since returning to earth Brian felt some relief that things would turn out well for his wife and son in their new home. When they were back in the spirit world, Brian told Markus that now Jenny and Simon were safe and sound, he had no immediate desire to return to earth. However, he did want to look in on his earth family from time to time, as he realized Jenny would cross over soon and wanted to keep an eye on Simon. Markus agreed, but added it was important Brian did not interfere in their lives and also had to observe their privacy. If Brian felt the need to visit and it was appropriate, it would be arranged. Markus told Brian that he would be able to return at various stages in his son's life. These might be quite different periods of Simon's life, as there was no such thing as a straight line of time. He also explained we are able to go back to earth to various times, as ultimately past, present and future is all one. Markus described this phenomenon as being like a giant loop." Though confused, Brian was very pleased when they left the earth plane and returned home to his seaside village and his soul family. Brian would soon see Jenny again and, with his son being cared for, he could enjoy his new life. Are We Being Watched from Afar? Some people are really nervous that our loved ones in spirit could be watching us when we least expect it. The thought of a departed parent popping in when we are enjoying a night of passion, or a deceased relative peering over our shoulder checking our work, is enough to give anyone the jitters. Once again the answer is, 'as above, so below." When they were alive your parents would have respected your privacy and never have barged into your bedroom without permission; the same applies in the spirit world. If you have nosy or rude friends or relatives on the other side, they would have been the same in your earthly life. If, however, you are concerned about your privacy, connect with your guide in a meditation and request any spiritual visits are made according to your conditions. That said, people from the spirit world do pop in unexpectedly at times. Several years ago David Thompson had been appearing on my live radio program doing some readings from the afterlife. David is a very talented British medium, and the audience loved him for his ability to pass on detailed information, and also his cockney sense of humor. After we came off air David had a personal message from my late partner Judy, who David had never met. Judy told him that the previous week I had been cleaning out some drawers in my office, and found a piece of paper connected to her. She said she was sitting next to me on the floor at the time and blew in my ear. It was just the sort of cheeky thing Judy would have done! This message took my breath away. I had indeed been cleaning out my office filing cabinet drawers the previous week and found a long lost document. It was some automatic writing, dated February 1993. It revealed there was "a very special lady coming into your life, soon, very soon now and you will have a lot of important work to do together in a very short time." The message was spot-on as it was given to me six months before I met Judy. This sheet of paper had been caught up with other documents, and I had not seen it for several years since moving after Judy's death. Finding the paper had given me an eerie sensation at the time. Judy also told David there was a very significant anniversary coming up soon. When I thought about it I realized she was referring to the fifth anniversary of her death, which was only two weeks away. Judy still comes back from time to time. She has been with me on a couple of occasions as I wrote this book. Once I actually felt my hair being ruffled slightly. When I tuned in, I discovered it was Judy letting me know she was keeping an eye on my progress. She had also sent a message several years prior through Canadian medium Bob Murray, urging me to write a book, so I guess she was encouraging me from spirit. Our loved ones do return, not so much to keep an eye on us, but just to be a part of our life. I have often been given an image of a particular part of a person's house during a reading where, it turned out, they usually spent some quiet time. The spirit communicating in that session wanted my client to know they are often with them in this particular part of the house, as quiet times are best for communication. Quite often people also see or feel a presence at the end of the bed when they are retiring for the evening. This seems to be a favorite visiting hour; again it's when we are preparing for rest. Spirit visitors will often announce their presence in some way. We might start thinking about them for no particular reason-their favorite perfume wafts through the room or they might even gently stroke our cheek as we sit quietly. Many people have often thought they saw something fleetingly out of the corner of their eye, only to turn quickly and see nothing. Or, so it would seem. My grandfather Harry announced his presence on one occasion with his favorite fragrance when he was alive-tobacco. Harry was a man of the outback who used to roll his own cigarettes, which had a distinct smell about them. At one stage I was awoken in the middle of the night with the familiar smell of his cigarette smoke in my nostrils. I was going through a difficult time in my personal life, and so the next morning, as I reflected on the experience, I felt he was there to comfort me. Other people are able to see a full presence of a loved one in front of them, and believe they have seen a ghost. Well, they may have, but when necessary the departed are sometimes able to appear to us in spirit when the need is great. This takes a lot of energy for a spirit who has passed over, as they live in a much lighter world. To be seen on earth a spirit has to be able to lower its vibrations to that of our much heavier earth plane. Recently, my elderly aunt told me her mother's spirit had appeared in her bedroom earlier that year. When she asked her mother what the message was, she was told to look after her younger brother who lived alone and had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. My aunt accepted this as the kind of thing her mother would do. What intrigued my aunt was that her mother, who lived to be 100, appeared looking like a beautiful 30-year-old woman, not like the wizened body she had left behind when she passed away. As we discovered earlier, this is a common practice in the afterlife. 42 Contact in the Dream State The vast majority of people I have spoken to following the death of a loved one experience a dream about them. This may be immediately after the person's passing, or it may be quite some time down the track. There is no rule of thumb here. These dreams can range from a fleeting appearance, through to significant contact, often with a message or feeling accompanying it. My father passed over while I was in Vienna, where I had just started a short contract on Blue Danube Radio. He had been ill when I left a few weeks earlier, and I was sitting quietly in a beautiful cathedral praying for his recovery. When I looked up I saw a man taking photographs in the nave. I realized with shock it was my father. He looked just as I remembered him. As I got up to go to him, he disappeared. He was literally there one moment, gone the next. The strange thing was when I checked the cathedral, there was no way he could have left without passing me. I discovered later this was at the time of his death thousands of miles away. I believe my father came to me to say good-bye. My next contact with my father was about a year later while I was in Tahiti, touring with a group of journalists. I had a very vivid dream, where he and I were sitting together. This time he appeared to be young and in the prime of his life. It was a very warm and emotional experience, despite the fact that we had never really been close in life. My friend and medium Chris Kelly also came to me in a dream shortly after he passed over. We were walking along a country road together and he assured me we would stay in contact. It was a brief chat as there were many people following behind us on that same road wanting to speak with Chris. I was left with a wonderful sense of love and peace when I woke the next morning with the dream still vivid in my consciousness. In his last life on earth, Chris was also a powerful spiritual healer who displayed all the abilities of a shaman. I feel sure he is continuing his work in the afterlife. Quite often we do not regard these dreams as anything more than some kind of vision from our memory banks, but they are definitely real encounters. As we discussed earlier, everyone is able to leave their body and astral travel. We do it automatically, mainly at night when the body is asleep, as the soul has no need of sleep and is constantly alert. Once free of its physical limitations, the soul is able to wander far and wide, but is always joined to the body by an invisible silver cord. If we wake suddenly the cord snaps the soul back into the body, a bit like one of those retractable tape measures. The soul enjoys many different experiences while we are asleep: sometimes it returns to the spirit world for contact with our guide and our soul group where necessary; it can communicate with departed souls; and the soul can also interact with others on the earth plane, who may or may not be in the dream state at the time. How often have you woken up in the morning with a solution to a problem that has been troubling you? More likely than not the higher self has provided the answer for us in the best way it can. This may be from the depths of your own subconscious, through contact with those in spirit, or even by astral research in another part of our world. What better way, then, for the departed soul to send a message to those back on earth that they have survived so-called death and are looking and feeling great, than by coming to a loved one in a dream? I have never heard anyone say they were negatively impacted by these dream visits. To the contrary they always have a beneficial effect. Our dream visits home to the world of spirit can be very real and very emotionally satisfying. A couple of years after Judy passed over I had a dream, which is still vivid to this day. I was visiting her on the other side, where she had created her own house and was proudly showing me around. Judy was very house-proud in her last life, so this was not surprising. Feeling very exhilarated I went outside and with the power of thought manifested some snowballs, then came inside and threw them at her as if we were having a game in the snowfields. She pretended to get a bit annoyed that I was messing up her lovely house and started wagging her finger at me, and told me to clean up the mess. I woke up suddenly and sat bolt upright in bed, tears pouring down my face. I knew without a doubt I had been with Judy in her spirit house and that we had a means of staying in contact. Nobody will ever be able to convince me otherwise. 43 Brian's Earth Family in Trouble With Markus's assistance Brian was able to pop back to Devon from time to time to see how his wife Jenny and son Simon were faring in Liverpool. While Simon was healthy and growing up fast, Jenny was not coping very well. Her job at the mill was exhausting and her health soon began to deteriorate. It was very frustrating for Brian to not be able to help her physically. All he could do was embrace her spiritually. When Jenny was diagnosed with tuberculosis, Markus told Brian she would be joining them in the afterlife very soon, which left Brian with mixed feelings. On the one hand they would be reunited, but their son would be orphaned. Markus patiently explained this was what Simon had agreed to in his previous life- planning session, and that he was going to be all right. True to Markus's word Jenny died of tuberculosis a few months later. The funeral was a quiet ceremony with only her immediate family attending. Although Jenny and Brian were not religious, her sister was a churchgoer and so Jenny was buried in the local church's graveyard. When Jenny crossed over, Brian was waiting to welcome her home. Prior to this Markus had informed Brian that Jenny was part of a nearby soul family, close to his own group. During Jenny's afterlife healing period, Brian kept an eye on Simon and was relieved to discover that his aunt and uncle had taken over the parenting role and had decided to bring him up as their own. By now Simon was six and was doing well at school. Brian was pleased that Simon had a bright future ahead of him and that he would go on to enjoy a happy and successful life. As Jenny's illness had been relatively brief, she emerged from the healing center after a short sojourn and joined up with her soul family. Brian ascertained that he and Jenny had shared many lifetimes and had a very close bond. The last time they had been together was in France, just after the French Revolution, where they were poverty-stricken and childless. It seemed natural that Jenny came to live with Brian in "the Greek village" while she settled in, but she soon informed Brian that it was not her ideal location. Despite the fact that they were from different soul families, Brian was so happy at being reunited with her that the question of housing was no great concern. He was happy to help Jenny plan her ideal house. As she preferred country living, she wanted her home to be in open spaces, surrounded by nature instead of buildings. Jenny eventually moved in to her own house and she and Brian remained close companions, visiting each other regularly. To part E – a screenwrite reports from the afterlife – part which is online on the googlebook of this. (p233) Else- read on