clip from Chapter5 of book of Omnec Onec.
Regarding the level on which Venus supports life -=
a higher
frequency/ level/
than here
Ufo-contact from a frequency- raised level of Venus |
ppoint |
![]() ![]() ![]() upreadings from her book online - mp3 audio
"The Astral Plane is an immense universe, even greater and more vast than the
Plane with all its solar systems and galaxies. Venus is a mere speck in that one
of many
other realities, and is a speck in our limited reality, also at its dense
physical level.
But the Astral Plane is only one of many planes of lesser density in being.
Many individuals who have experienced these worlds in out-of-body travels have
called them
heavens. Conditions are so much more beautiful and peaceful there that their
failed them. What they were able to write down in the past is today called
mystical or spiritual literature.
The Astral Plane existed long before the physical, and will endure beyond. The
most common
things known and recognized here in the physical world first existed there.
there is much on the Astral Plane which does not exist here, but all that exists
here does
have its counterpart there, and more.
The differences between the Astral and the Physical Planes take some explaining.
Just as
x-rays are at a higher frequency than solid rock, the entire Astral Plane is at
a much
higher frequency than the physical and this is one reason why scientists on
Earth have not
yet proven its existence. None of their scientific instruments can detect such
very high
Because matter on the astral level is so high in frequency,
those of us who live there can have complete control over it by thought power
alone. On
Earth, few people have developed the power to directly control matter with the
mind. On
Venus, mind over matter is a way of life.
Any form or thing that a person on the astral can imagine, he can manifest by
the power of
thought alone. It is a law of nature there, just as gravity is a basic law of
nature on
the physical planets. What really happens is that people convert the energy
around them
into the form of matter desired. The created object then appears wherever the
person puts
his attention. Homes, clothes, furniture, plants, food, jewellery, and anything
is created by a special mental process that has to be mastered at a young age.
There are limits. This same power will not destroy things or reconvert them to
Things disappear only if the person who created them leaves the Astral Plane,
unless they
were originally created with the definite intention that they be temporary, and
how long,
such as our castles and ranches and elaborate play creations. If I had created a
toy that
soon bored me, I may change its shape into another kind of toy, but I could not
point my
finger at it and have it disappear in a flash, forever gone. If my aunt Arena no
liked a certain chair, her only choice would be to reform that chair. She could
not remold
it into a table or anything other than a chair.
On the other hand, when we create things, they do seem to appear out of thin
air. For
people on the Astral Plane this is as common and accepted as driving a car here
on Earth.
Because we respect each Soul's individuality, people do not interfere with
creations. If I did not like the bright blue tree in front of another's house, I
would not
think of changing it. That would be interference, which creates karmic
Just because our thoughts precipitate matter, the common
every-day things on the astral are no less real. A marble floor looks and feels
marble, skin feels like skin, water feels like water, flowers smell like
flowers, honey
tastes like honey, and so on.
Moving things is of course very easy, just a matter of choosing and thinking. If
I wanted,
I could have a glass of water rise up from the table and float, just by mentally
commanding it. No more effort is involved in moving a huge sofa up into the air
than in
swinging the bed as I am resting on it.
Travelling from place to place is just as easy. People who like to walk do so.
We can also
levitate and float in the air or glide instead of walking, by willing it to be
so. For
longer trips we travel at the speed of our thought directly to our destination,
usually seems just a matter of appearing there. Whenever I decided to visit the
Temple of
Arts in downtown Teutonia, I would place my attention on exactly where I wanted
to be. One
moment I would be standing in the bedroom; the next instant the surroundings
would change
and I would be standing in front of the Temple. It is very simple. I do not know
mechanics of how it works it just works. (People on Earth say the same thing
The speed of thought is much faster than the so-called speed of light known to
scientists. In the astral body we can travel so very fast because it is made up
condensed energy, as completely under the control of thought as everything else
on that
plane of being.
The astral body has the same form as the physical, except that it is much more
It is not just a blob of light, but unlike the physical body, it is luminous and
alive by absorbing energy directly from the surroundings. Although there are no
internal organs, people here do eat out of habit and for the simple pleasure of
Food conveniently turns back into energy as soon as it is swallowed.
Using the power of thought, we can easily change our outer appearance or make
completely invisible. There is no physical pain or fatigue as on the physical
which is one good reason why newcomers to the astral call it heaven.
The colours in our everyday lives are indescribable. Compared to the glowing,
colours of the Astral Plane, colours in the physical are pale or dark and muddy
at best. The
dullest red of the astral world is the brightest in the physical. Also very many
which we take for granted don't even exist on the Physical Plane.
Our surroundings at home had such an assortment of magnificent colours that I
can't even
begin to describe. Just as wonderful is the fact that everything glows. Matter
on the
Astral Plane is luminous, like stained glass being lit by the morning sunlight.
The sky
and clouds are a sea of cheerful colours.
The astral body and the Astral Plane are not completely unknown on Earth. Each
living in the physical world has an astral body as well as several others, as
taught in
the Laws of the Supreme Deity. Quite a few people have written books about their
experiences with astral projection, which is a limited form of out-of-body
travel in the
astral body. The safer way of visiting the higher planes is by using the Soul
body, which
is not limited to anyone place as the astral is. But of course not everyone who
astral projection is aware of Soul travel.
Each person living in the physical world experiences the astral body every day,
he may never in this lifetime see the actual cities or people there. The
physical body is
not capable of having emotions. The physical senses like sight and smell are
there, but
then these are not quite the same as feelings - love, anger, joy, hurt, etc. All
of us may agree that our
emotions are very real in our lives, but where are they, and what are they?
The Astral Plane has been called the emotional plane, and the astral body the
body for a very good reason. Whenever we experience an emotion, we are really
feeling it
through the astral body. Emotions are nothing more than different kinds of
energy flowing
through this body and influencing thoughts and actions. The Astral Plane, then,
is a place
where emotions are a great force and Soul must deal most fully with emotional
problems. It
is true that every physical person actually lives partly on the Astral Plane,
but it is
not normally fully conscious of life there.
All of this is also true for thought. Thought is not a vague something, but a
very real
thing at a higher frequency than physical matter and energy, or astral matter
and energy.
Remember that the mind is really a body also, called the mental body, which
operates on
the Mental Plane, still another whole universe of being beyond the astral. The
mental body
is a bluish sheath of light surrounding Soul. Whenever we think, this body
thought forms that can be seen by the higher senses.
Thought is nothing more than energies flowing through and outward from our
mental body
much like radio waves. In having the mental body, every person also lives partly
on the
Mental Plane, although few have consciously seen the cities, people, and
landscapes there.
If you were to visit the Astral or Mental Planes consciously via Soul Travel,
you would
see not only your own emotions and thoughts in full radiant colour, and your
astral and
mental bodies, but you would also be able to meet beings who once lived on
Earth. Many of
Earth's religions have their heavenly abode in existence on the Astral or Mental
More and more can be said about the Astral Plane, and about the ability of each
to travel
there consciously before physical death. Remember that all of us had lifetimes
there and
we know that plane well as Soul. The astral is really still one of the lower
although it seems to be the ultimate heaven to many people who are living there.
Above the
Astral Plane are several others which also seem like ultimate heaven to planes
below, but
they are not. Everything below the Soul plane is a part of the lower worlds. Our
goal is
to reach up to and beyond the Soul plane, possible even in this life if we are
willing to
make the effort to learn how to do it. The choice is up to each one of us.
Perceptions of the future usually take place on either the Soul plane or the
Plane. Soul may zoom above the time track to view the future or the past as it
may choose.
This experience seems much more real than ordinary dreaming, although a person
might not
realize that he was looking into the future until that future came to pass.
Those who are
psychically aware will know. On Venus we are able to see about 40 days ahead
into the
future with good accuracy. Our ability to foresee future events helped in
preparing for
my trip to your Earth.
The Astral Plane has many levels or sub-planes to suit different people's
These are more like distinct regions with different levels of consciousness,
rather than
levels stacked on top of each other. Venus life is normally somewhere in the
between lower and higher astral, because most of the people are still attached
to physical
habits and customs, and of course their whole culture. Certain regions of the
astral are
set aside as religious paradises for the people who die having a definite idea
of heaven.
After a person's physical body dies, he is met by a friend or relative who has
passed on
before. He will then be taken to where his body lies and is made to realize that
he is no
longer living on the Physical Plane. Usually the individual is then allowed to
sleep a
resting period on the Astral Plane. Upon awakening, he is taken to the
particular plane he
has spiritually earned, one that his consciousness is suited to. All of this is
by an astral being in charge of administering Karma. In some cases a person may
immediately returned to the physical world after death, even if it means being
reborn into
another body, especially if it was a sudden death as in war or some suicides.
Suicides are
reborn again to face the same or similar problems as that which they tried to
If he is to continue on the Astral Plane for a time, a person will wake up in a
home and
familiar environment. Friends and loved ones will be found living nearby. He
will also
find the spiritual path or religion that he belonged to in the physical. The
reason for
all this is that when most people lost their physical body, they still have a
emotional attachment to the Physical Plane. The Astral Plane is designed so that
can be comfortable and adjust gradually by having recreated their old home with
the power
of thought. This is very important.
People who do not realize that they are Soul will be so attached to the physical
that they fear the unknown planes beyond.
Eventually, because of the beauty and harmony there, the individual will come to
that he has reached the ultimate heaven. People can easily become attached to
astral life
because they can have anything they want, and they scarcely consider venturing
This continues until it finally dawns on them that there is more to life than
their astral
Religious literature on Earth has accounts of cities on the astral because the
have had out-of-body experiences taking them there. A few days before I left
Venus and the Astral Plane, my uncle took our family on a tour of a place called
Sahasra-dal-Kanwal and other parts of the Astral Plane. Now I can easily
understand why so
many people believe it is Paradise. There one can find any landscape imaginable.
Some are much like those of Earth. People
who have similar natures and same likes will live in the
same areas. Then there are beautiful landscapes that can be seen on other
physical planets
in our system. The lower Astral Planes attract Souls with negatively developed
states of
consciousness. One might say this is where evil people go after death and
lifetimes. Those who expect to find hell with fire and brimstone can find it
although it is only temporary. The lower Astral Plane is also the home of the
monsters and devilish creatures created by the lesser evolved levels of
Almost any aspect of the physical sciences now so popular on Earth can be quite
explained in terms of the Astral Plane.
Most psychic powers have their origin
Telepathy, which is sending and receiving thoughts from mind to mind, is the
most popular
form of communication on astral Venus as well as the more advanced physical
planets, and
it works because thoughts behave like radio waves. Each person has an invisible
which keeps secret thoughts hidden, and those who are able to read minds are
subject to a
spiritual law against trying to penetrate this barrier.
Astral projection is the separation of the astral body from the physical for
displacement of the astral part to another location. It is a dangerous practice
continued over a long period of time. It is best to progress from astral
projection to
Soul travel as soon as possible.
Levitation, or moving objects with the mind, is of course a power we use every
day on the
Astral Plane. It can be
learned on the Physical Plane also, but it takes much more effort and
Visualization is another power of mind over matter; as on the Astral Plane it
creates each
individual's world. Everything begins with visualization before it is created,
the only
difference being that here in the physical world it requires physical effort and
Extrasensory perception is the use of our extra senses in the astral, causal,
etheric, and Soul bodies. The Soul body's senses are the most powerful of all
and they are
limited to no one plane as some of the others are. Miracles are actually a
matter of the
psychic and spiritual powers being used in this physical world.
Please keep in mind, however, that Physical, Astral, Causal, and Mental Planes
are all
limited worlds.
This was extract from Chapter Five, named
The Venus Plane, and is
book of Omnec Onec.
| more on Venus-visits in 4d-level |
OMNEC at the
Woodstock Festival
illustration - but have seen better descriptions than this - on how
Venus is now on the Astral as 'the coarcelife-carrying main-level' for people
read and search more on that theme in f x the book of Charles Webster
Leadbeater in Man: Whence, How and Whither (denne
er til og med utgitt på norsk-dansk med tittelen
Mennesket : hvorfra, hvorledes og hvorhen : en
beretning efter clairvoyant- (was online in jan.2016 at least)
audiobook in mp3 live-readings of 'From Venus I Came' of OmnecOnec and right>below is some made backups from org.found here- in case the server 'disappearing' |
those left - Foreword + + , is not backuped here- only those below in this column | |
chapter 1- 81min | chapter 2- 53min = laws of supreme Deity | chapter 1 +see ill. up | chapter 2 |
chapter 3 -50min;Tythania Comes of Age | chap.4 My First Years of Life- 78min | |
chap5: The Venus Plane -31min | chap 6 Teutonia - 61min | | chap5 and the Rampabook she mentions is here + this | |
chap7; The Creative Life - 51min | chap 8; Earthward Bound - 97 min | | chapter 8 Earthward Bound - 1,5h |
chap 9; Brotherhood of Planets - 36min | chap 10: AgamDes- 35min | chap9 | chapter 10 |
chap 11: My Life on Earth Begins - 25min | |
chap 12; Compared to Venus - 44min |
short clip from:FROM VENUS I CAME of OMNEC ONEC on theme 'the HIGHER SELF OR THE SOUL'
interview with OMNEC ONEC in Norway/Oslo late 2014 in audioformat mp3 | part 2 - 20min- click picture left - -opens in new window - download-able by rightclick + save as
extract of the lecture in Oslo with some answering of questions mp3 = > bad quality of audio/sound - ca 1 hour playtime. | those on separate site
Ufo-contact from a frequency- raised level of Venus |
Table on books/reports/information about physical extra terrestrial -contacts | book + film else on descriptions on life on Earth's astral level (first publ.1944 in spanish)
‘George Adamski and the Toughest Job in the World’-link | Carl Anderson ufocontact
Oscar Magosci's - some 'far-out' - ufoContact -book
more on Venus-visits in 4d-level:
use googletranslator on these to get an idea of the content of these below- because a "good translation" will not yet be in that way - but possibly in 20-60 years in the future?
)* more books telling of having been - at least most of them thought "physical" - on a visit to Venus:
* | enda en kontakt til et høyere plan- (astralplanet) av Venus ??
* en norsk opplevelse av en mediatativ 'venus-reise'
also Rampa- who could do counscious astral-travels - was taken from Tibet to Venus on a visit before ww2 - or the whole article/minibook